Friday, March 17, 2017


    Situations are fluid. In the world we live in right now we must look for some silver linings lest we allow ourselves to truly fall into a depression at what is happening to our country, our society. The top leader, the one who is supposed to be looking out for the citizens, is only interested in cutting benefits, in making life ever more difficult for those who need help or for those already living on the edge. When one is in that position, just a slight change can bring about misfortune and worse.
     I know what it is to live from paycheck to paycheck because for years, for decades, that is how we lived. We had no rich papa to support us, only examples of hardworking people. We budgeted and thought and bought with care, but there were always the concerns about what would happen if one brick went out of alignment. We both worked numerous jobs but expenses were what they were and thank heavens for charge cards! We did without governmental aid programs but imagine what it is like for those who are making it due to the help of these aid programs, who are feeding themselves and their children via SNAP, are keeping them healthy thru new coverage and via CHIP for their kids. What do they do when they are placed in a situation where they are frightened to death, afraid to come out of their homes lest they be snatched off the streets and shipped away.
     Did the world not already have times where people could be grabbed, shipped away and worse? Did we not already have times when people were starving, afraid to come out, persecuted due to country of origin or religion? Have there not been times when a mass of people were persecuted due to the actions of the few or because of people who happened to look like them due to shared ancestry? Are we back there again? It appears that we are. And worse, the vultures are haunting courthouses, the very place where people go to for justice, and snatching up their prey, you know, those dangerous brown skinned people who no, are not even Moslems, but have come from Mexico and Central American lands and who obviously pose danger to our country for G-d alone knows what plans they are hatching while they pick the fruit and vegetables we eat or fix our roofs or stock the shelves!!
     And to this mess we add the topping of shapeless blobs. What and who ae they? These are the Republicans who cannot seem to get their act together and stand in front of their "leader' and just say NO!! Was there not another campaign with that slogan? Perhaps it is past time that we revive it with a new slant. Our president is not sane, nor is he compassionate or caring for and about others. He would cut Meals on Wheels, scientific research at NHI, no subversive Big Bird, cut the Chemical Safety Board which tries to insure proper cleanup for chemical spills and disasters. But hey, what are a few hundred or thousand people poisoned by chemical disasters or ground waters ruined by spills? The Fat Cats will be okay and surely that is all that  matters. 
     But the Republicans like King just spew their hate and few publicly denounce them. We have Trump and his supposed advisers who just cannot keep their mouths shut and go rabid at the rulings which ruin their plans. Trump's awful promises are being shown up for the lies they were and are and he is going berserk. The Republicans themselves cannot find it within themselves to support his proposed budget and yet, they send thru the healthcare plan that would insure a lack of healthcare for Americans and why? That is where the blobs come in to play.
     These blobs are those Republicans who cannot seem to find several physical or symbolic portions of anatomy. They rummage around in their pants and cannot find the balls they need to stand up to hate and destruction, to prejudice and danger. Their constituents are left behind and just wait till these voters find out how screwed they truly are. Then what? I am afraid to think of that AHA! moment. And yet there is another lack in these people. The Senators are hoping that the House members shut this plan down for otherwise they will have to stand up, to put up or shut up and then take the consequences. Where the hell are their spines. These blobs, these Republicans, these advisers who are certainly not advising as they are spending their time trying to pull Trump's nuts out of the fire due to his mouth, are afraid to tell the truth, that their leader is naked!!
    So the silver lining? Well, there is a pull together movement that has spread across the nation, There are people reaching into their pockets and funding protests, funding fights against the hateful and hate filled new ideas and orders and plans. People of all walks of life are coming thru, coming together and ain't that great!! Right here in Palm Beach we have a viable and vigorous Indivisible group. This group, non partisan, whose only concern is for fair play, for a good and caring society, is ready, willing and able and already working towards these goals. Here is a link to them -
     Here is a summary of what their plans are for the immediate future.
March 25 -26 PrideFest ...we will have a group march in the parade with our Palm Beach Indivisibles banner, and we will also have a booth for both days.  At our booth we are supporting the "I'll Go With You" Campaign by providing literature on the campaign, and I'll Go With You Buttons.  We will also be doing Voter Registration, and providing folks the opportunity to participate in the Palm Beach Indivisibles campaign "What I Fear".  This campaign is a series of short video letters of peoples fears.  

April 7 from 6-10 we are hosting a social for all Palm Beach Indivisible members.  We will be at Subculture Coffee on Clematis Street.  There will be a live band, and dj, and we will again allow those interested to leave their video letters for the What I Fear Campaign.  

April 8 from 10-11:30 am is our General Membership Meeting open to all.  We will be at the Palm Beach County Library on Summit.  

We are also working on a statewide Indivisibles campaign called "Where In the World is Marco Rubio"  These short videos will be shot by anyone who wishes to participate in our continued efforts to track down the Senator.  These videos will be put up on our You Tube Channel. 
     And finally, here is their Facebook page -
     There is a silver lining and we need to work hard at it and in the meanwhile, there are things you can do such as writing letters, planning events, taking part in them, marching on one of three days coming up- April 1, April 15 and April 22 - all days with meaning and titles. Go as an individual or join a group. 
     Whatever you do, do not lose hope. We will shape up the blobs or ship them out at election time and in the meanwhile give them hell. We will defeat the forces of hate that have arisen here and in the world. It will take hard work but the silver lining has produced willing and determined people. Join them. Join us. Be part of the solution.
And look for upcoming notices of future events.

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