Sunday, March 26, 2017


     To be betrayed is one of the most hurtful feelings and events in one's life, be it by a partner or a friend or a person in whom  one is supposed to have trust, faith and expectations. Today, so many of those who are supposed to be upholding words of oaths, to serve the people, to protect the Constitution, are indeed part and parcel of the betrayers and they sink to depths which go lower and lower each day.
     Brian Mast, a freshman congressman from the district that includes Century Village, an area where Medicaid is a fact and necessity of life, where surety of medical coverage is indeed a necessity FOR life, has betrayed us. He lost his legs while serving in Afghanistan. We appreciate his efforts and service and do not begrudge him the medical care and prostheses that he received via the generosity of American taxpayers. But, a huge but at that, it does not mean that the comradery that a unit develops in wartime is the same as a comradery of a Party group in getting them to pass the repeal and the Trumpcare bill which would indeed introduce that famed 'death spiral" into reality for so many. Teamwork and team loyalty is not appropriate for this matter. It might earn him the appreciation of his boss, Trump, but certainly not of his constituents and I hope he is prepared to answer for that. Why did he think it appropriate that a large part of this repeal and replacement is huge sums of money into the pockets of the wealthy? Why, if this is such a good plan, do we not incorporate federal employees such as Congressmen into this plan and cancel their costly and platinum valued health plan? It would certainly save money. Betrayed is what we were by him.
     And betrayed is what we were and are by the lack of forethought of many American voters in choosing Trump as an element of misplaced antagonism and protest and betrayed is what our allies felt once this man was elected and opened his mouth. Betrayed is what we are when we hear that there was a great deal of evidence that supports the statement and conclusion that there was collusion between Trump campaign people, high up in the campaign and Putin and other Russians. Betrayed is what we were when we know that Putin expressed his interest and indeed resolution to defeat Clinton whom he hated intensely. Why?Because she has a working brain and Trump does not? Betrayed is what we were when the NSA says in so many words that they knew the Russians would interfere with the election but not quite sure of how it would be. Why did they not do something before the crisis? Betrayed is what a woman who voted for Trump when her husband is grabbed for deportation even after years of contributing to society. She thought only "bad hombres" were being deported.
     And let us take a leaf out of the book of Trump. For years he agitated that Obama was not truly an American citizen by right of birth. For years he carried on and the marvel is that people actually believed him. But here is another hypotheses along the same idiotic lines and let's see how Trump likes this one. Perhaps Trump is the intruder, the fake, the imposter. The man is presumably born right here in America, grew up here and yet he cannot speak one whole entire sentence in English but rather wanders from topic to topic right in the middle of a syllable!! He cannot spell to save his life - not even simple words like tap - tapp!
    And why not add to this betrayal by wondering aloud how a man of great mental imbalance and issues could have passed any kind of sanity test and if there is not one, then perhaps we need to install one ASAP. A megalomaniac. A great big bully. A man who thinks something is so because he says so, making a lie into a truth? A man who desperately needs a haircut!! A man who cannot accept blame and instead blames everyone else and then if that were not enough, he just tosses them away (kind of like someone else I know right here in the Village). And speaking of the Village, of the events coming up, the March on April 1, that sponsorship comes from within the Village from the Democratic Club and from without as other organizations wish to join. That is called democracy. Try it - you might like it. The Brian Mast Town Hall is a combined effort of several organizations and the right of all Americans to ask questions of their representatives. The sponsorship is not important; the principle and the questions are.
     Finally, betrayed is what happened to us all. Betrayed by those who squandered their vote. Betrayed by those who did not vote and hence gave a vote to Trump for all intents and purposes. And betrayed we are by all those who say well, he is president so let it rest. NO!! We cannot stand by and allow our rights be destroyed, become limited in scope, lose our right to privacy and the expectations that government and its public servants are there to serve us, the public, rather than themselves and their business interests and donors. Betrayed with the position we are in now when all safety regulations in all spheres of life are being taken away and betrayed we are if the BAT goes through, the border adjustment tax, for rather than helping our economy it will cost the public huge bucks as the price of everything goes up so hence fewer buyers, fewer need for factories here, less money for free spending, fewer jobs in the service industries as fewer people need services and down we go, down into the depraved and wrongful thinking of the alternative reality of Trump and his sycophants.
     Betrayed is what we are when the president thinks that he can lie till the cows come home. Adam Schiff told Trump that "presidential credibility, once squandered, may never be fully regained." But this will never be as Trump has no dignity left and for a cherry on top, this man is pushing fewer or no regulations on water and clean air and it is now predicted that water is already unaffordable for one in ten households and that is scheduled to grow to almost 30% of American homes within five years.
     So do not betray yourselves. Do not betray the futures of your kids and grandkids. Do not accept an administration when  a Bannon tells Congressmen that they have to listen and obey! Last time I checked, there is still democracy here in America despite Bannon's deepest wishes. 
   Step up. Ask questions. Demand answers. Do something! Anything!
     By the way, the hours on March 29 for Brian Mast are 1:30 to 4.

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