Monday, March 27, 2017


     So what is the something rotten? Well, first of all it is a play that we just saw down in Broward Center for the Arts and it is well worth the trip. It is on schedule for Kravis next season and you should definitely buy tickets and prepare to laugh and applaud loud and long. Besides the laughs, what I found great and reassuring was the fact that so many people recognized all the lines from the various Shakespearian plays - and as a fan of Shakespeare and a student of Shakespearian works, I greatly appreciated that reassurance of culture in America - as well as recognizing modern American culture in the segments, lines and bits of songs that came from American iconic musicals. The actors were great and it was a terrific audience.
     Under the laughter and the jokes, one could see what was rotten in society of then and thru the years. Shylock was funny, but the truth was there. And when the characters were banished to America, the new country, there was song and dance over how it was the land of dreams. Not such a dreamy place now is it for so many. And funny jokes were cracked by the wife about women and equal rights and yet underneath one could sense frustration that we are still not there yet. But anyway, go see it and have  a great time.
     So.....what else is rotten? Well, you should know the answer by now but in case you forgot, here are some reminders. Think you have privacy on your broadband or internet or devices? Well, forget that what with the law that the Senate just passed and straight on Party lines with the Republicans screwing us again.
    Want some more? Okay. No one is supposed to be able to force you to reveal your medical issues, your genetic issues but once again the Republicans thought otherwise and in a misnomer of a bill called the Wellness Act, workers can now be forced by employers and the bosses to reveal all and then just try to get a job when they know you have a medical condition that will cost the plan money or work time lost to a medical need. Thank the Party again for that.
     More? Okay. So Ted Koppel told off Sean Hannity, that he is not good for America, that he encourages the hatred in America between opposing viewpoints. How right he is and how true we see it is when we see the role model, you should excuse me, tweet that all should watch the Pirro show and see her kick ass with Ryan, blaming him for the failure of the healthcare vote. Well, I am thrilled that it failed, but the plan stunk to the high heavens and ALL Republicans are to blame for even allowing it to get to this point, never mind the fact that after seven years all they had was hot air and nothing else. And don't think that Trump is not blaming the Freedom Caucus for it - those extreme right wing Republicans and thank the Lord above they did not like it, though for the wrong reasons. They wanted to squeeze even more out of people!
     Now Mnuchin says that they will turn to tax reform and that is an easy deal. Huh? Since when is tax reform easy? I guess since what they plan is simple - screw the little guy, the working class and remnants of the middle class and give the money to the needy -you know, the rich who will get even richer and to the corporations who will stack up the bills in their vaults. Simple, sure enough. Just not too good for us.
     But rest easy for now Jared Kushner, the 36 year old son in law of Trump, has now been deemed responsible enough to just about turn the government an the country upside down. He will reorganize everything, privatize where he feels it necessary - guess it will work out just as well as the privatizing of prisons and convict transport!! And do not forget that experienced government employees will be left out of this equation - jut business people. What a mess!
      Rotten is the atmosphere we now have in the country. Rotten is the fact that people do not like nor trust other people if they have differing viewpoints. Rotten is the fact that people will not even talk to these opponents for otherwise there will be a shouting match or worse. Rotten is the fact that now we have airlines who throw kids off planes because they are wearing leggings. Might as well throw the entire country off the planes. Like it or not, leggings are an accepted mode of dress and who the hell is United to decide women and girls have to wear dresses!! Are we in United Statesastan? What the hell!!  Boycott United!!Rotten is the fact that the president we now have is a truly incompetent and dangerous one who has introduced all sorts of negativity into our world. Rotten is the time that we now have the governor of California warning off Trump, so just who is governing this country? What can we expect? Rotten is the fact that we need to figure out how to get him and his henchmen gone for after all, he is not a legitimate president in my book and for those of you who care, there are big protests in Russia today over corruption and a leader of these protests was arrested. Is this what we are to expect in our future? After all, Donny loves Vladimir and makes excuses for him all the time
     What is not rotten are the founding principles of our nation, the underlying goodness that still resides in people, the strength and courage of those who plan to protest and stop these monstrous plans in their tracks.
     So to take a page from today's play, something is rotten in the state of the United States - but we hopefully have the courage and the strength and the willpower and the patience to root out this rotten material and rebuild and bring us back to where we should be.
    And that urge and need to rid the state of rottenness should carry over to the Village. Eight years is more than enough for a man who has done us much harm particularly within the financial arena and in the destruction of the will of people to be volunteers for UCO due to his behavior. It is time for him to go. He is not President for Life. No one has died and made him permanent king of the hill. G-d forbid. Look at his behavior with the volunteers on the Advisory Committee and keep on watching. There is always more.
     The softness of rot can be rooted out  nationally and locally and right here in the Village - its gotta' go. As a PS, do not listen to the blathering of Lanny Howe on David's blog where no one is allowed to respond. What is wrong if there is a March for Alzheimer's, a terrible disease which steals people away, and a March sponsored by the Democratic Club and a Town Hall with Brian Mast who HIMSELF chose the day and hour - all on the same day. And yes, a Republican coming on the same day as a Democrat sponsored march? That is called America and democracy at work. The two Marches can coexist and the Town Hall meshes in as well. Busy day but what a great day for the Village. It has woken up, joined America and will do more for its residents than argue about the chairs by the pool. Why not join in, Lanny? The show at Kravis is not till 2 if a matinee and the evening if that is the time. More than enough time to show up.

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