Tuesday, March 28, 2017


     Remember when your parents would tell you not to be friends with so and so because of a poor reputation or some other reason? Remember when you also told your kids to not hang out with the fast crowd or the troubled crowd? The people who are our friends, our go to people, tell much about ourselves. And that is why, friends, the whole thing about the Trump administration just stinks to the high heavens.
     Not a day goes by that we do not hear another instance of something rotten, something shady, happening or already happened, with Trump appointees.  So many of these people have questionable areas but because the Republicans are in a majority, they get confirmed, but the truth will out and will demand redress, no matter who or what they are at present.
     The chief guy with the most questions about ethics and violations of ethics is the president himself. One wonders how it is that he cannot seem to cut himself away from his businesses but instead he now chooses to use his Presidency to amass not free publicity, but publicity that is paid for by us, the taxpayer. He uses his business holdings as semi or quasi White Houses even as he refuses to publicize his visitor list, conducts the nation's business in public, open to the gawking of those rich enough to pay for the privilege and even has installed family members as part and parcel of his administration , allowing these callow youths, relatively speaking, access to top secret and confidential material without proper vetting. And he talked about Hillary?
     Speaking about Hillary, Trump is now trying one of his classic moves of deflection and as the nasty information keeps growing about him and his campaign and their discussions with the Russians, what does he shout now in his stupid tweets? Why, go investigate BOTH Clintons on ties to Russia. Does this man never give up?
     So what else is going on in this very dirty sandbox? Nunes, the very man who is supposed to be conducting a non partisan investigation is off meeting people in secret on White House grounds in the middle of the night, the same Nunes who had roles in the transition of administrations. Sniff, sniff. Smell that rot?
     That rot permeates the administration. We now have Rex Tillerson aka Wayne Tracker in emails from his former position in Exxon, certifying that the information put out by his company in official statements and forms was the truth but in reality was not the truth. Bad boy!! Very bad and liable for criminal prosecution. As this was before he became Secretary of State, he is liable for these charges to be brought against him and is that not a lovely picture indeed,  a friend our parents would not like us to have, a criminal in the dock.
     So off to Sessions, the Attorney General of the United States, the head of the Justice Department, and now 23 people from various states have stated that he gave false and misleading information and lied in responses at his confirmation hearing re the Russians and his ties to them. Such a proud example of what makes America great!! They want him brought up on charges. I agree.
     The violations of ethics and laws, be they confidential rules for our country, conflict of interests, the truly smelly business of selling your country down the road, the sickening love fest that goes on between Trump and Putin until suddenly one of them realizes that they're supposed to be enemies and makes a snide comment, but then all is forgotten again in a sea of "brotherly" love. We have requests for more money for this ridiculous wall between us and Mexico and hear no more that Mexico will pay for it so by all means, let us cut the funding for all the humanitarian departments and sections of government, the hell with the needs of the people and just apply those funds to the harmful and hateful areas of life.  Such a good idea!! And while we are at it, do not forget to target those cities who refuse to go along with the disgusting war on immigrants, Thus they are threatened with loss of funding - such a good man this president is, is he not? He would have made a good little Nazi, following orders and obeying the rules and commandments of the Party and the government and the hell with morality and justice and humanity. And whoops, do not forget the hosting of the Chinese at Mar a Lago! More business in public. Don't ya just love it!!
     The business of government is made to be done with transparency and honesty, with ethics - on the national scale, the state level, local levels and here in the Village. Would that it were so.

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