Monday, March 20, 2017


        Bet you are thinking of the wrong talk. Nope, not the birds and the bees. I am still waiting for my mom to talk to me about that and she is gone four years already! Didn't seem to do me any harm by missing out on it. But what about the talk today?
     How does one explain to kids why we accept a president who is definitely not normal, one who would be punished severely if he behaved like this in a classroom setting. How do we get the kids to understand that yes, telling a lie is not good and doing the right thing is what should be done for the alternative, doing the wrong thing, is not acceptable. How do we explain to the boys that there is a code of behavior that they must abide and no one, boy or girl, may be rude to one another and use pejorative sexual terminology. How do we explain that there are people with different choices in life and we must respect them all as long as they are within the right and moral law? How do we explain that there are more things in life than getting rich, than having a huge car or a fancy wardrobe, that we are put here on earth to be kind to our fellow beings, to seek justice and do what is right, how, when the supposed role model that all can see does the exact opposite and his followers trail merrily along in his wake.
     I am worried about the next generation for certainly those among us and the following generations have not always done such a god job. We have allowed hatred and contempt to rule the world and yes, there is a time for everything under the sun, we know it and we know we do not live in
an ideal world, but still, what have we done? I have no answers, way above my pay grade, but I do know that we do need to return to serious discussion in classrooms and chat groups and everywhere else, turn to the dystopian books and make relevant connections and ask relevant questions. Brave New World. 1984. The Handmaid's Tale. Homo Deus. Go read and think  and then think again how do we get rid of this nut job and I am not the only one who feels this way. In fact, I am truly and deeply embarrassed that such as he is president and that we have allowed this to happen. No, I did not vote for him but I see those who did awaken a tad and ask where is their health coverage? Where is their Medicaid? Where is their job training? Where is their clean water or are we going to start digging wells here rather than in Africa? Too late, I believe, but what we can do is warn our representatives in political office that they had better listen to us and not their Party with that capital P. They are there for US and they need to etch that in their brains.
     In the meanwhile we have a president who sends in spies to the various Cabinet meetings to check the loyalty of his own appointees - commissars anyone? We have an acknowledgement that there will NOT be insurance coverage for all under his supposed disaster of a plan. He is getting sued by a lawyer re debts that Trump has and alleged lies about them and his oh so clever remark about the Korean situation is that the leader is behaving very, very badly. Wow! Such astuteness and finesse in understanding the behavior and what should be done!!
     Truth needs to be first and foremost again. Truth as truth is and always has been and not an alternative set of facts that never were and never will be. We need to demand that our president be examined by an impartial expert or better yet, a panel of such, to check if he is whole and sane of body and mind. I truly doubt that the mind is intact. We need to truly examine his deeds and misdeeds be it on and via his taxes, his conflicts of interest, his lack of understanding that the office is not his to enrich himself further, and just what did he do with the Russians and if he is a traitor, which appears to be a big possibility, either that or a stooge, be it either, he needs to be removed from office and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law - he and his henchmen who also have done misdeeds with finances and who have massive conflicts of interest and a severe lack of ethics. Finally, we need to get rid of those fools - Kellyanne Conway, Spicer, those nonelected shadow presidents Jared and Ivanka Kushner and anyone else who does not belong. We also need to purge the hatemongers such as Bannon and other Breitbart personnel, Alex Jones and whomever far away from the government.
    People if we do not take the proper steps now, then will we? Will it be too late or will there be rebellion in the streets, riots, as people realize what has been taken from us or even worse, will we have to battle a massive new force of law enforcement officers who are not of the best quality or morals and who will follow the fascist rulings and directives of you know who. Will we be grabbing people off the streets? Think and answer if you can. I cannot.
     And if you need more things to chew on here are a few: The Comey appearance and the committee. Is it to chastise the "leader' or to find the truth about Trump et al and collusion with the Russians. if that is true then again - is Trump legitimate? Doubt it highly.
     Or you can think about the fact that the Consumer Financial protection Bureau, you know, the agency who will help, for example, in credit card disputes - well, say goodbye. the golf player does not like it. Of course.
     Never let it be said that the man does not provide news and either conversation topics or conversation stoppers!

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