Monday, November 23, 2015


     So we continue yesterday's post about alarm clocks. There are so many more to pick up on in the Village. Yesterday there were a whole lot of postings on Gary's blog about the miserable performance of the new security company. I wrote about their careless opening of a gate without even checking on the person in the wrong lane almost immediately after they came on. How could we possibly expect anything better when we keep having the same incompetent people responsible for their hiring. Remember - the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting something different to happen. Well, it does not. That is why we must throw David and his henchmen OUT OUT OUT of UCO and put in Phyllis.

  By the way, Jangor said on Gary's blog that I censor as does David. No, I simply defend myself from the nasty, violent, moronic and pornographic emails supporters of David Israel and crew were sending me. My nausea had reached the top. So here is jangor's post:

Obviously, when they wrote the article about Linda and published it in the August UCO, they did so without any real feelings or truth in the last paragraph. Those of us who know her know what kind of heart she has and appreciate her. (P.S. I tried to submit this to Esther's blog, but I guess she restricts as much as DI's)". Wrong conclusion and I gave directions as to what to do. Send me a gmail account, call me, contact me however you wish and we can fix the matter.
     But there are more alarms out there in the world and if we refuse to hear them and pay attention to them then we are doomed to repeat history and I, for one, will keep resetting that alarm until more people tune in to its warning sounds. There is a movement, a thought about a philosophy of mindfulness - "finding the still small voice of the soul that we barely hear", let alone pay attention to. It is about being aware of what is going on, so concerned with the busyness of life that we actually do not pay attention to larger and smaller concepts and ideas. As such we lose sight of important things. Being in touch with our souls, with morality, with ethics is most important and these are the alarm clocks of ourselves.
     But most of us walk on oblivious to the world. I cannot begin to count the number of people who do not know of the terrorist murders going on in Israel on a daily basis, multiple murders at that. They are oblivious to the deafening silence of the US government - the State Department and our miserable president, Obama, who refuse to acknowledge the murderous loss of American citizens, including the latest, an 18 year old boy from Sharon, Mass. They raise questions as to whether this was a terrorist attack!!!! Really, what do you believe a person riding in a car shooting an assault rifle at stalled cars constitutes? And even if it were - is there not a need to console all the rest of the victims, but no, that I cannot even begin to think what to call him, John Kirby, days after the murder of Ezra Schwartz and the wounding of other young Americans, reads off a statement as if he were reading a shopping list - with as little emotion or spacing or care or anything, reading it only because he was called to task. Concern about the sentence of a cop who should not have beat up a boy, but no concern about the continued murder of Israeli and American citizens. So much for our president and our State Department and John Kerry and John Kirby. They should be run out of office posthaste. Thank the Lord above that we have less of Obama left than we had before. Another year and a month and one can only hope that we all survive his waffling and wavering. Pursed lips and fingers held together mean nothing.
     How many know of the BDS movement wherein Israel is demonized and delegitimized? Where in Germany - Germany!! a large nation wide store pulls Israeli products - all Israeli products off the shelf. They need to be marked, we are told. Really, does anyone else have the shudders and the visions of JUDE painted on Jewish stores once more? The American Anthropological Society wants to boycott Israeli academia, the same academia that gave the world the intel chip and the cellphone chip and so many other medical and scientific improvements as well as the Bible, the Ten Commandments and even Jesus - as he was born, lived and died as a Jew, calling upon terms as filthy as the old canard of Jewish supremacy. Really, for those who need reminding, please find Mark Twain's comment about the remarkable contributions that the Jewish people have given to the world.
     David Wolpe, an amazing man whose writings should be read by all, wrote, the other day, that "the enemy of the Jews becomes the enemy of the world." He says that it is a simple historical rule that has been demonstrated over and over again. "Regimes and ideologies that target Jews never stop there; they are imperialistic....and begin by identifying the "other" and then move on to target larger circles." And yet, no one loves that alarm clock. Not the mechanical one nor the human one. No one likes to look and see that damning alarm clock, calling on us to find that work ethic and get out of bed. No one likes that human alarm clock that calls out warnings, that points out deficiencies, yet alarm clocks we must have, like it or not.

     G-d said to Abraham that "The nations of the world will be blessed through you" but does not add that we will be loved for that and indeed, are not. Yet we are not alone, and wars have proven that to murder one group of people inevitably leads to the murder of others. Just as one good deed inevitably will lead to another, so, too, does one bad deed lead to another and the inevitable indifference to wrong in the world.
     The alarm clock is ringing here in the Village, and more importantly, out there in the world. Russia now has troops in Syria in a massive movement and are elsewhere as well. China is building islands in the sea and they ain't from Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers. France and Belgium are trying to scrub clean the terrorists from their societies. Hotels are exploding and children are being kidnapped and raped, used as slaves. People are being beheaded, whipped, thrown off roofs for being gay. The alarms are ringing off the night table and cannot be shut down without a concerted effort by all. Hear them ring and do something.
Total in Israel for October, November:  23 dead, 194 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars.


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