Monday, November 30, 2015


      "Oh, no! Say it ain't so!" But it is. Yes, Lanny, just as Virginia eventually found out that there really is no Santa Claus, you need to find out and understand that there is really no truth meter on Google, on the Internet, or as your buddy calls it - the world wide web, otherwise known as the www in the front of every URL address. There is barely any censoring done for violent words and incitement, hate statements, let alone checking anything for truth. People can write whatever they wish, make up "facts", skew polls and ratings, ruin doctors and hotels with their reviews, get paid for reviews and on and on. So just exactly what is your problem?
     You say that you were misquoted? Well, go find the whole thing on your friend's blog. In fact, the friendly blogmeister from Gary's blog has offered the info as to where it is, the date and all and so has Eduardo, so go look and refresh your memory if you must but please stop playing the socialite seeing a mouse and shrieking to the high heavens. It is most unseemly and unmanly as well.
     As far as saying nasty things on the blog or "disremembering" other items, you can learn from the master of it all. He is the one who plumped for term limits and lookee now! Quite the opposite. He is the one who told a Holocaust survivor to disappear in a puff of smoke. Considering all those victims that did exactly that, I would not give this a very high grade for sensitivity, or caring or for any prize for humanity.
      Yes , it is easy to recognize your writing with its hyperbole and inflated writing, just as it is easy to recognize my style and even David's lack of style, unable to string together two sentences without your help and it is easy to see who really writes his articles in the Rag so please, do not deny what is common knowledge, and in fact, was so common for him to have you ghostwrite his articles that he and his pet, Joy Vestal, coeditor of the Rag, accused me of having a ghostwriter. It took me three days to stop laughing.
     Yes, there is much to be desired on the world wide web, the same one which David accused me of ruining for him because when I deemed him and his actions fascistic, he claimed the 200 million readers read that. Well, now there are at least 200 million and one as a resident of CV came over to me last week and told me that he was reading my blog and loving it. David is now a laughing stock in the Village for that statement of his to me, as usual, having stuck his foot in his mouth. By the way, Mr. Israel, my latest country to chime in is Papua New Guinea , along with my stalwarts and other countries such as the Netherlands, Indonesia, etc. How and why they find and read my blog is intriguing, but perhaps they like the general comments about topics or perhaps they are wondering just who you are. Never took up my dare, did you? In any case, I am privileged and proud to have all these people, here in the USA and overseas, read my blog and I thank you all. G-d willing, I will continue writing.
     Tomorrow's posting might be delayed as we are traveling again but I will do my best to put one on early.

      Total in Israel for October, November:  24 dead, 210 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars. And the attacks continue, thankfully avoiding more killing and wounding.

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