Wednesday, November 25, 2015


      What, you might ask, is that? Basically, it is the structure of the world, the micro, the macro and even the individual. It is a principle of proper writing and thus the bane of many a writer - especially some kids in my writing classes! You see, it is the odd man out that appears to be wrong, out of place. It is the actions that do not have a match, good or bad that stand out. No matter where you are or your topic or subject matter.
     I have found that there is a great deal of parallelism between our micro world of the Village and the macro world out there. It is not often a positive or complimentary one, for the "leaders" of these worlds leave much to be desired. Now please note that those idiots who snarl and rasp out, "Well, let's see you do better," are idiots, plain and simple. For sure in the village there are many who could do better and we have a super great one running for office this year, Phyllis, so that issue is clear and as far as POTUS - huh, never asked to be that and do not want it but there are those who aspire to it but unfortunately few reach the necessary level of intelligence and mix of words and actions that we need. Certainly not the one we got right now!
     But let us compare some items. Both presidents at present anyway, are incompetent. One snarls and threatens and the other purses lips, pinches fingers together, loves any teen other than the Jewish ones who get killed for being Jewish so inconveniently. One promises that things will be done and yet, and yet - it doesn't. Finally tomorrow we are to open the pools both indoor and out at the Clubhouse. So WPRF promises and so has David Israel allowed them to waffle along in a very poor timely manner. Obama promisess things too but warns us that we had better be afraid, tiptoe around the world  because the terrorists are out to get us and then turns around in a speech with Hollande and says not to be afraid. Well, which is it? It confuses us poor wee little people out here.
     Both need a great deal of persuasion and pressure in order to see the light. For years we pressured David Israel to admit the crappy job done on the roads under his aegis. But the willful blind are just that and only when it could not be ignored any longer, did he admit a lousy job and now we are facing millions upon millions of dollars to redo and in the meanwhile are repairing the perimeter walkway piecemeal at a cost of thousands. As for Obama, his thunderous silence at the terror rampant in the world, in Israel, his refusal to comment or contact the families of those Americans slain there - until someone hit him verbally over the head with the proverbial steel pole and he woke up and then called a family yesterday - and it means nothing. It is like the forced "say you are sorry", told to kids in a  fight in school. The thunderous silences of his at inappropriate times, the late responses and the weak and confused responses make us a pitiful target of the world's derision and despair as they look to a leader that is not there any longer. The USA is not what it was, sadly so. And CVWPB is in the same boat. Parallelism.
     Poor thinking, confused thinking, misplaced threats, foolish actions, saying one thing and then saying  that it is not quite ready - in both worlds of ours - and it ain't pleasant. The security in both places stink. Well, we all know what is going on in the macro world and here - we have seen the postings on this and the other blog and just yesterday I saw another example of "the best contract ever" - NOT. At 4 AM we rode out of the Village in a year old car packed with lots of loot for the family. All gates at Haverhill were open - what happened to the closures - and no one, no one, came out of the shack to check us. I said to Gerry that we could have been thieves who just scored a great deal what with the car and the contents. So, best contract ever again  - it sucks!!! Thank you once more, Ed Black, for doing an incompetent job and telling lies all over again. We certainly can depend on you for continuity of behavior, can't we?
     People need friends, parallels to them in the world. People choose partners, be they male, female or even animal in the form of beloved pets. People have ideas and there are parallel people with parallel ideas, matching and opposing. This is what makes the world go round, but please, choose role models carefully and think, think, think. Running parallel to the lives of all of us are the lives of others. We need to choose carefully, think carefully and root out the bad, the incompetent, the wafflers, those who fail to see the truth, those who need to retire and pick daisies or play golf and bocce or whatever, but not ruin life for the rest of us.
     Meanwhile the count in Israel goes on what with another stabbing.
       Total in Israel for October, November:  24 dead, 199 wounded, 82 for shock. From the elderly to the young, Jew and even some Arabs  being killed in these attacks, stabbed, hacked, axed, shot, rammed by cars.

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