Wednesday, August 19, 2020


    To me and so many others, the choice is as clear as day and as obvious as the nose on one's face. The big and little people of America are speaking out loud and clear, even as we continue to be puzzled and troubled, greatly so, by those who continue to support Trump. A master of manipulation and divisiveness, a man who has just about threatened the very continued existence of this country, as one united and playing a major role in the world and yet there he is.
     Every damned day he takes yet another outrageous step, opens his mouth and out spews more illegal plans, more attacks on our Constitution and laws. Why not a third term he wonders! Why not? Because the trauma he would inflict on the world would be one that steps over the red lines of all. Besides the fact that it is against the Constitution!! Minor problem, yes?
     Contrast the words of people about the two candidates. One set of words come from the simple little person of society, a security guard in the NY Times building. Her statement? ! "I could tell he really saw me.” And  continues - “Joe Biden has room in his heart for more than just himself,” .  And he indeed saw her, for she was one of the three people who officially nominated Biden as the Democratic candidate for president of the United States of America, and, G-d willing, our next President. This, to me, says it all. 
     Simply contrast those words with others, the ones that describe and delineate Trump, a man who would drive her to stay away from work should he ever show up at her place of work. He “trampled the rule of law, trying to weaponize our Justice Department to attack his enemies and protect his friends.” Read those words of Sally Yates. 
     The Senate committee investigating the Russian investigation- the Senate!! - where the Republicans dominate and have enabled this man all along to thwart the rules of government, to destroy the fabric of America, that Senate Committee speaks clearly of the ties of the Russians and  Trump's campaign, of the misdeeds of his major aides. This man now wishes to remain in office, as what - a Manchurian candidate in real life? A traitor to our nation - for he is indeed that. And certainly, a "clear and present danger" to our survival and security; hence, should have been removed long, long ago. The very obviousness of his dementia, his anger, his demagoguery, his continual descent into a dictatorship, all demanded that he be gone, out of a position wherein he damaged us on an ongoing basis.
     So as we surge to over 5.4 million cases of infection, and 172 thousand dead - and these are only the confirmed numbers, and it is believed the numbers are much higher than that, this man continues to be deadly incompetent in his administration's handling of the crisis, of his own demented denial of it and Johnny come lately attitude and actions. I repeat - this man should have all the deaths, the tragedies, laid at his feet and should be legally liable as complicit in these awful figures. These statistics are not numbers, mind you. Remember, each number, every number, all the numbers, are people, individual people and their loved ones, their loss to society, their horrible, lonely, and needless deaths.
     Mind you, we must not fail to remember his destruction of the environment, of the very safety regulations in place to keep us safe, to keep cancer outbreaks from our children and diseases from all of us. We need to remember the children ripped from families, their "lost" in the system tragedies. The absolute cruelty towards immigrants, the denial to them of  the chance to achieve an American Dream that we all have in our families. And not forget the slime of venality, of cronyism, of incompetence, of greed, of the power of money, the stink of it all that permeates his every step and every aide and administrator appointed by him - and that includes Kavanaugh and the Trump children as well! His own wife cannot tolerate the act of holding his hand.
     Clear as day and as necessary as the air we breathe, we need to support Biden. We need to hear him out, to understand the remnants of his severe childhood stuttering as he stumbles over a word. Trump simply blathers on with lies and more lies. No excuse other than his being a demented and awful person. 
     We need to see that Biden is the America of the future that we need, that we must have. And should something go wrong with him as it could go very wrong with Trump - already has - would you rather have Kamala Harris step in or the cowardly Pence, ruled by 'Mother's" decisions, by a face cemented in an expression we were all told as kids that would freeze on our faces!! By a man who sends shivers down my spine when he speaks of a Christian country. That statement always brings about deaths and more deaths. Fact check that in history.
       It is clear that we need, must have, a change. A man with heart, an honest man, a man of faith who respects the faith of others, a man who has overcome tragedies and come out stronger for it, a man who sees us all, the people of America, a man who values the lives of all, who uses science to move forward, and sees the answers and warnings of science. A man we need now.
     So go and vote. Do it as early as you can. Bring the ballot over, get there early to vote,  and be prepared to wait. Have patience as you exercise the most important right we have. VOTE. Please. Vote for our future, and vote for our past and present as well. VOTE.

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