Thursday, August 20, 2020


A wait of a week is far more likely, and if wishes were horses, we would all be riding into DC with one goal in mind and anticipating a victory too long in the making. However, before I continue, let me apologize for the late arrival of the blog. For a change, Atlantic Broadband has fallen down on the job, abrogating every modicum of service and slaying their promises with great vigor. Promised service on the day of problem, we are now being told that a wait of a week is far more likely, and that, over several weeks of constant interruption of service and incompetent technicians. And this is what our incompetent president of the village has committed us to for ten years! I think that perhaps he needs to be committed!

In any case, what I wanted to write about today was the night of the women capped off by Obama. Warren said that "it didn't have to be  like this." Kamala Harris was blessedly open and called the man a predator, exactly what we do not need. Clinton called it like it is with comparing him to a sneak, a liar and boy, is he ever!!  We were warned that he lost the majority yet won the official election, though I have maintained, he is not a legitimate president at all.

All maintained what I have said all along. The man is a danger to democracy. He is a perilous individual to any sense of right, of empathy, of understanding, of good will, and a friend to hatred, racism, greed, and selfishness. All that reeks and stinks. It does not make me happy at all to be able to say I told you so. I wish to the heavens above that I had been wrong, but I was not and am not.

A real danger to our country. A danger to the world. A danger to the existence of mankind as he surely sets on a path of demolishing every step we have taken to right the wrongs of the environment, to try to turn back the clock on destruction. Perhaps he watches too much TV-LOL-and sees himself as the head of a survivor train like Snowpiercers,  for that is his plain of thought.

We need to remember who we are and who we have come from. We need to pay honor and respect to all those who have come before us. We need to incorporate their dreams into ours. We need to remember that some of our ancestors were the "progressives" of their day and it is thanks to them that we have unions, benefits, better lives and living.  No child labor. No mills of death. And legal recourse, until this man and his ilk have chased that down and crashed it right into the wall.

We need to heed the woulda, coulda, shoulda warning of Hillary Clinton, and learn from the past and build a better present and future. We need get out there and vote. We need to talk to others, to ask them to define their thinking if they favor Trump. We need to bring out the vote and get our votes in.

I am hopeful, but not stupid. There are too many days and too much time between now and then. Post office tricks - and they are not fixed either - Russian interference and it is continually ongoing - and any snake oil talk that he can provide, any hate mongering that will get him another vote or three or ten, any number of deaths that he will ignore - all stand in the way of freedom from dictatorship and a return to our democracy and role in history. Be ever vigilant and ever loyal. Be a true American and vote for America, not Amerika, that belongs to Trump.

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