Friday, August 21, 2020


    Of all the comparisons made between what is, and what can be, should be, will be, what sticks the most in my mind is the imagery of a country shrouded in darkness, rife with greed, overtaken by lies and violence, ruled by a militaristic government masquerading as beneficial for the citizens. Worse, it maintains a hereditary government, from father to son to daughter, all to maintain the corruption, the greed, the hatred, all bankrupting what was once the United States of America.
     To the contrary, we have the chance to turn this country around, before it crosses the line, allowing our history and greatness to cross the River Styx rowed by a victorious Charon. It will not be easy, turning this country around. We are coming from behind. It will demand hard work, sacrifice, and unity. A union of people of all types, a diversity such as we have not seen in lo these past four years as we became more of a tribal nation rather than one - America. In fact, the only America I saw growing was that spelled Amerika.
     What else does one call a country where a major political party calls out for the Storm, brags about it, pushes it and its hateful supremacist mantras? What else do we call a country when the president of that country calls for tear gas and troops to push though a see through manipulation of Church and Bible? What else do we call a country where the President calls for ARMED sheriffs and other law enforcement personnel to stand 'watch' over the polls? Gee, nothing like any kind of intimidation, would you say! Nothing like that statement and plan to delineate the true nature of that man, Trump.
     This is an election that pits a true patriot, nothing glamorous, no emphasis on charisma, false as it is, but on a man who knows what life is, who reaches out to others - who likes ice cream - a man of my heart! - who knows what it is to meet burdens and struggles and  deal with them. A man who knows that to tell the truth is the only way to go. "This will determine what America’s going to look like for a long, long time.” 
    What is the truth? Over 5.5 million cases. Over 174,000 deaths, rising daily. The worst performing country in the world. And no. There is no miracle. No Lysol cure. No poisonous oleander cure. No hydroxychloroquine. No demons and alien spirits in the night. No body washes. Nothing but attention to rules of safety, to the words of the experts, to truly scientific research projects to find a vaccine, a safe one, a good one and then manufacture enough of it to go around. Primary is to teach the people of America to trust the government once again, who will take the vaccine.  
     We are all tired of the pandemic, tired of the restrictions, the holes it has left in our lives. Certainly, I did not anticipate spending so many of my supposedly golden years cut off from family and friends, missing my theater and movies, even using the libraries differently. On the other hand, I have learned some important truths, discovered new hobbies, shared new moments with my life partner, and am enjoying life, albeit I do miss some of the past life. But it will return. I feel that strongly - but, a big and major but - only with the right leaders, the right attitudes and the unity of the country.
     The speakers at the DNC spoke out on all topics. They spoke of a better time, a return to the light, an end to the darkness that has begun to overwhelm this country. They represented a diversity, the true America, the salad bowl of America, where the differences and similarities are cherished. Where immigration is not considered a sin or a crime. Where families are not ripped apart. Where help is forthcoming. Where there is a fair share of the burden on all, not only the middle and lower economic classes. Where corporations are not treated as special humans needful of aid and sympathy. Where science is trusted, used to help us, where the environment is once again a prominent concern, where we look towards the future needs of the world. Where the country is exposed to the light of day, to the light, harsh as it might be, of truth, to the warm feelings generated by knowing that we are becoming a nation once more. And for me, and for many others, to feel welcome once more in this nation, not to hear the daily rantings of hate filled pus pockets of humanity calling for my expulsion or even death.
     We sing and ask that "G-d shed His Grace on Thee". Let us truly mean that, hope for that, work towards that, for remember, there is a partnership between man and G-d. All need to pull their weight, to share the burden. Then, only then, will there be any Grace at all.
     First step: VOTE for Biden and the Democratic party candidates who share that vison, not the ones who do not. Find goodness and honesty  and support it. VOTE!!

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