Thursday, August 13, 2020


     What a choice! So many topics to choose from, so much wealth for commentary, a virtual plethora of rich and relevant topics and titles. What did I do? Simple. I wimped out, refused to pick a title, and will range over the areas of concern, worry, or glee.
     So, the world is falling apart. Almost every country that has held elections in very recent days has also had a spiral of violence, riots protesting the election, its taint of fixing, of dictators, manifestly unpopular, winning by landslides. People have had it, but - a big but - can they do enough of anything to turn the tide? The brave people of Hong Kong are being shut down, arrested, chilled by fear, new regulations, arrests, and the world ? Does nothing.  Another day at the office. Turn the page, change the channel.
     Oh yeah!!!! Harris the VP choice of a singularly open and brave candidate Biden choosing a person who challenged him in a debate, but this is what he wants. No groveling here. A person who will speak her mind, who is bright, stands for much of the American Dream the way we were taught in school, the way our parents, grandparents and even many of us, experienced the immigrant striving for that dream, for the future of their kids.
     In four years who knows what will be. Harris as incumbent VP running for President or even as a sitting President should anything happen to Biden? Wow!!! Wow!!! WOW!!!! Finally, a brighter outlook for America and the world. Finally an administration which will rid the departments and ranks of appointees of incompetents and cronies, and refill them with experienced, valued career employees. Empty slots at State will be filled. A new Attorney General will be chosen, one who is not a shill for the President and his egregious deeds and statements. A pipe dream or two? McConnell and Graham gone, gone, gone!! And RBG hanging in there until she can take an honorable retirement as we can appoint a good, honest, open, capable, thinking, new Supreme Court Justice.
     Ah, the fresh air of hope. Speaking of hope and fresh air, even as more EPA rules are being ripped asunder today, this about methane leaks, these EPA disasters will be reversed and once again the environment and the changes, the climate changes wreaking heavy disasters and changes upon us, the use and understanding and acceptance of science, real science, not pseudo science of delusional people who sleep with aliens and evil spirits - this will be the renewed world. A return to sanity, long, very long, overdue.
     The irony of it all as this man uses race baiting, race hatred,  every appeal one can make to the lowest points of a human heart and soul - this is Trump's strategy. Biden and Harris come out strong and determined, competence shining through, and Trump falls back on his moronic name calling and any negative he can think of. He is being pushed to the wall, this national bully, and he does not like it, not one little bit. Tough!!
     And who cares for the people of this once great nation, once great leader of the Free World? Not the man who advocates opening schools, even as the ones that did open are now quarantining kids and teachers, or even have closed back up. Not the one who persists in denying the virus and its effects on kids, the young. Not the one who thinks we are doing great even as the death rate is still and continuously  over 1,000 a day. A total of 200,000 dead will seem like yet another pipe dream. Not acceptable by any means or people - other than the delusional, sycophantic crowd that surrounds this sick and demented man.
     It is time to return to the past and to the future we deserve, we need and we stand for. Time to reject the nastiness, the open race baiting, the hatred that is now valued and praised. Time to grow up!! Time to be Americans once more. Time to reject that which deserves it and reopen our hearts, souls, and minds to our traditional values, and strive once more to be the best we can be. To be the America that lives up to the promise of "give me your tired, your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores" - for that is what this country did for all of us. We are all immigrant, only the dates and timing differ. Time to understand that. Time for America and Americans to be what they are meant to be. Time to strive for excellence, for hope rather than to live in fear, in despair, in hatred and hopelessness.
     Time to check your registration, your polling site, sign up for mail in ballots. Bring them in to the office so there is no delay  in their being received. Insist on your right to vote. Time to VOTE and change this country in a positive manner. VOTE. It will do wonders for the nation and for each and every one of us. 

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