Wednesday, August 12, 2020


     Manifest is defined as that which is clear to the mind, easily perceived by the senses, clear in its presentation. During a significant period of time, an era of American expansion, we were taught that it was Manifest Destiny. America was meant to rule the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from Mexico to Canada. Anyone getting in the way was trampled upon. That was the way it was, one nation growing at the expense of others, and truly, has anything changed about that to the present?
     Destiny is defined as that which is meant to be, what will necessarily happen. Presumably, one cannot avoid one's destiny. Fate is the development of events, without a person's control, but - controlled by some kind or type of supernatural power or being.
     So here is the question of the day. Was it destiny, fate, or courage on the part of Biden to  pick Kamala Harris as his running mate? This is the woman who faced him down on TV, and I believe this was one of the reasons he took her on as VP. She has the wits and the smarts to take on someone, and will talk with him openly, honestly, a government run by discussion rather than by dictated and erratic terms and decisions. And those made by a certified lunatic!
     And now, America, we are at the crux of history. The acidic atmosphere of hatred, nastiness, pursued by Trump et al, is there, and will the Democratic Party be able to climb above, or will they have to descend to that level? Honestly, I would rather they took the high road, but how much crap can one tolerate? Already the same haters are hard at work. They  questioned Obama's right to be president and now they are doing the same to Harris. She is an American. Period. Born here, a citizen by birth and a contributor her whole life to the welfare and benefit of the public she served and continues to serve.
     Is she perfect? No, for no one is, other than Trump, of course. Just ask him! But this apparently is her destiny - and hopefully the destiny of the American people and nation to have a winning ticket, a campaign of decency and relevancy, rather than moronic and childish nicknames stemming from a schoolyard bully who never grew up nor ever grew his brain. Here are two examples of such 'brilliant' intellectual capacity exhibited by our present illegitimate president. "There are some very, very, very nasty, frankly very dumb (players). I haven't noticed that."  "selecting a woman as his running mate, musing that "some people would say that men are insulted by that."  
     These are symbolic, representative of his mindset and his limited vocabulary and intellectual and moral values. Basically, if one searches for the positive within him, one will search in vain. These statements were from the man who claims to love and respect women - even as he talks of his "hot" daughter, as he talks of assaulting women, as he talks of the rapists and criminals, who are naturally black and brown, never of his ilk or of CEOs or his family, as he continues to hide his papers and the truth from the public. I cannot imagine these statements coming out of either Biden or Harris.
     We are at a crux of history. We will actually step in, as 'supernatural powers', and decide the destiny and fate of this country and its people - and even that of the world. Will we step up to the plate? Will we take on the responsibilities we have shrugged off before, leading to the  debacle we now have? Will we do the right thing, step out of the nasty circle of hatred, of negativity and vote for a destiny for a brighter future.
     It is up to us. To you. To me. To all of us. Remember that Tuesday, November 3,2020, and let us find the luck of Tuesdays; let us reassure one and all that we have not all lost our minds, that we remember values, we remember ethics, that we remember morality, and we treasure thinking, caring, intelligence, decency, hope, and inclusivity. Let us bury those who wish to turn our country into a third world tyrant run nation. Let us bury these witches and warlocks in the figurative traditional crossroads. We are better than this. We must be. We can be. We have been and can be so again. Let us choose to redefine Manifest Destiny. The right way.

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