Sunday, August 30, 2020


     It just keeps getting worse and every 'wild' statement or prediction I have written appears to be coming true. Did I really see it coming? Did I really think it would come to this or was I hoping that warnings would be enough to ward it all off? Honestly, even as I was hoping, I really was hopeless, for from the beginning Trump has been, to me at least, and apparently to a growing number of others, a true representative of evil, and that should be with a capital E.
     Physically, he is repulsive to any onloooker. There is never a smile on that weird looking face, only an orange complexion slashed through by a smirk, and that attitude reinforced by a perennial pose of arms crossed against his chest or a finger pointing somewhere out there. From that pursed and tiny mouth spews forth filth. Words of hatred. Words of treason. Words that speak against democracy. Worse, words that encourage the actions taken against democracy, against the government and its structure, opposed to the Constitution, refuting the ideals and goals put forth in the Declaration of Independence. In short, he is the clear and present danger to our survival as an American democracy and the pity of it all, the danger of it all, is that we have allowed it to come to this.
     His warmongering is typical of that of a coward. Free from the risks of warfare and wounding, Captain Bonespurs always wishes for military displays, the might which he feels can be used, not against our enemies, for he has made allies of so many and enemies of allies, but the ability - which he has used - to use military force against the citizens of this country. The very people he is sworn to protect, to serve, to defend, to be a President of the United States of America!!
     Constant displays of military personnel and equipment. Constant threats of sending in troops. Now the cutting of intelligence briefings from the leaders of Congress - a major change and not a good one. A letter sent to the Joint Chief and the Secretary of Defense asking where they stand on the issue of troops should Trump refuse to vacate the WH upon sustaining a loss at the polls - and I guess presuming that Trump does not shut down the polls or further interfere with its progress! An accusation  by another Senator that Trump is killing people with his constant rallies and railings against the truth re the virus, the discouraging of masks, and the constant lies that lead to more infections. I have so stated this long ago - so glad that others are catching up - but is it too late for us and our country? Is it too late for those who will continue to die and send us over a count of 200,000 dead?
     One of his former aides stated that it all looks a "bit" like the Weimar Republic, the weak government that was taken over and overthrown, tossed away along with the hope of democracy in Germany, and set in motion WWII and the rest of history. The most frightening thing about that statement is that 'bit' is not enough. The constant use of terminology such as law and order, or enemies of the people or tirades and threats against the media, the rising tide of hateful and provocative words, resultant deeds. Did I forget the blood in the streets as the new tribes of America war against each other?! It is upon us today, with violent instigators from the right wing extremists out for trouble, with the shooting and killing of protesters by a 17 year old armed with an assault rifle!!!!
     The callous use and instigation of violence, of fear mongering, of threats to our democracy, of plans stated to remain in office, to flout the law - and that is not a threat but a reality - the callous use of individuals to further his campaign - via trickery and lies. And the violation time and time again of the Hatch Act which is supposed to prevent the use of governmental officials in politics. Well, throw that one away for it is the opposite of reality, the common rule of the Trump campaign today. Use all officials and clear the way! Rules and laws be damned.
     To me, the most frightening thing is the deterioration of the fabric of our lives as a people united in a united country. I fear that we are no longer Americans, but rather are tribal entities. These tribes cut right across the lines of family and friends. Where does it end? Will we have an new country wherein we encourage the informing upon others as do all Fascist countries? Will we continue the farce of democracy that we have now, with the threats to that basic necessity of democracy -free and tamper free elections?
      Will we ever have trust again in our government? Will there ever be reason again to want that trust? And will the drip down of secrecy in government, of lies in government, of distorted government, ever stop? A NJ mayor sends a ridiculous thousands of dollars fine to a 17 year old girl who organized a protest. In Tennessee protesters are liable for a felony charge and isn't that just so coincidental that a felon can not vote there!! 
     And the secrecy that is growing in leaps and bounds! That secrecy, those lies spoken and not, seep down even into the lowest levels - such as we have here in CV where the administration in the person of David Israel has virtually shut down UCO, held no open meetings, cancels Executive Board meetings the night before or even the day of, cancels Delegate Assemblies and so many others, and we, the residents, those who pay the fees, have no clue as to what is going on. If one tries to get into the building where UCO is headquartered, well, just try it.
     No, there is a definite atmosphere of fear and worry. There is a definite despair growing. There is less and less to say and more and more reason to shake. The only alternative, the only antidote, is to get out there and VOTE. Prevent the awful tragedy that would be a retention of that EVIL man in office. Better he proceed to jail where he belongs. Prevent the downfall of this country, the best experiment of mankind so far, faulty, backsliding at times, but always trying to be better, not Be Best, that ungrammatical, nonsensical ridiculous program of Melania which makes a farce of the whole thing as the chief violator of this program is her husband - Trump!!
     No, there is no choice here. Shaking and dreading, fearing the worst, we must gather our courage and determination and not let anything stand in the way of our voting. It is a vote for liberty, for justice, for freedom, for honest government, for democracy, for hope of a future where we pay attention to improving the environment, where people count, not money. VOTE! That is our only hope and answer to the tragedy now unfolding in our country and in fact, the entire world. VOTE. Only you can save this country and the future of your children.

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