Monday, August 17, 2020


    One of the most frightening things a homeowner can hear is that there are termites in the home. Treatments vary, according to the degree of infestation and the property size, but it is disheartening and makes one a bit paranoid afterwards about those damned little destructive critters. There are also times when there is no hope. The property is damaged beyond repair and must be demolished or undergo a huge, very huge, repair job. That is to be avoided, prevented.
     There are other kinds of termites. There are human termites at all levels, those who disregard all rules, make decisions based on their own selfish needs and desires, with no regard for others. Thus, they eat away at one of the major principles of any society. There are rules. These rules are meant for the safety and well being of all members of society. Hence, disregard and violation are punishable. And yet, how much have we disregarded in the breach of this societal need.
     There are human termites all though society today. Look outside our country and see the eating away at the democracy of Poland. Bit by bit, bite by bite, all the progress is going, going, go..... And what happens there, can happen anywhere, and indeed, is doing exactly that. Including, my friends, America. 
     The repression and suppression of 'different' people. The destruction of all progress and rules made to safeguard the environment. The crackdown on free press and on opposition. The arrests, the disappearances, of opposition figures. Sound familiar? All we are missing right here is the step to disappearance and with the illegal kidnappings of protesters off the streets and holding them incommunicado for hours, in dark and lonely rooms, no calls, no lawyers, no explanations, well, draw the inevitable conclusion. We are not very far from our own termite destruction.
     Those termites exist at all levels. We have termites of democracy in state positions. We have termites on county panels. We have termites right here in the Village, as they eat away at our governmental structure, and for what? To sell us out again in the next Agreement? To hold monies for themselves? To make new rules and decisions that were never agreed to by delegates? For nefarious and selfish reasons? Because they are increasingly senile, dementia setting in, and yet, as on the national level, those who stapled themselves to the coattails try to restaple and hang on to the reflected power and privileges. And all the while, the termites eat away at our democratic society, chomp, chomp, bite by bite, as we ignore, are blind to, are apathetic and could care less.
      These termites of society depend on ignorance and cowardice. They depend on a moral vacuum, on a society in the throes of other crises, too busy, too preoccupied with other major issues to pay attention to that almost silent destruction, that eternal dinner at our expense. But, folks, if we play deaf, if we refuse to heed what is going on, if we refuse to put into play the remedies for termite infestation, then we are doomed.
     "Alarmed and disheartened" is the way Amy Klobuchar described her feelings and concern. Trump, the major termite of society, of democracy, the King Termite of destruction, of chaos, of hatred and oppression, of societal negative upheavals, is chewing through our joists and support beams. Inducing major uncertainty about an election and its results are preludes to refusing to heed those results if they are negative for him, or declaring victory, even with a mouthful of society's I Beams, still showing at the corners of the mouth. 
     Chewing through a vital system of organized and progressive society, a trusted, functioning, reliable postal system, is the way he is turning this election into a win/win situation for him, ignoring the wars that will follow. Even as we ignore what he has done, the destruction to our support system for democracy, the ruination of the future and of dreams, and the constant refrain of nastiness and hatred that run through his campaign. Even as the environment, natural and manmade, collapse around us, enshrouding us in a termite tent that does not do its job of elimination, but rather allows the job of continual destruction , cut off from the world, from any paths that remain to fix the situation. The termite team has it covered, in all situations. You can be sure of that! To our despair.
     We must act. We must attack this termite infestation with all our might, with all tools at hand. We must cut them off before they get any further into our structures. We must cut them off before the Constitution is eaten away, before the Declaration is forgotten, ignored, meaningless. Think not? Think again. Think back to eight years ago. Think back to four years ago. Now think ahead four years on two different paths. Which do you want?
      Be truthful, for your inner truth, your 'termiteness' will come through loud and clear, depending upon your visions and desires for the near future. Tell the truth to yourself and see if you will be happy with what you envision. Then think again and join the Exterminators of Termites. Join the team which will rout out the infestations, repair the damage, educate our kids to be watchful and aware, for freedom and democracy demand attention, demand constant overseeing, demand the eternal watch for those human termites.
     Nothing comes without hard work and it is all too easy to slack off, to be tired of all that a good society demands of its members. But the alternative is not really a good one, is it? Think about that and get out there and vote. Show your confidence in our system and refuse to allow the Termite in Chief to eat away at the belief. 
     Afraid of the mail? Then bring your ballot in yourself or take a chair, some food, a drink, and a book and wait in line on voting days. Do whatever will work for you, but VOTE. VOTE to get rid of those termites chomping and belching as they destroy all our societal underpinnings. VOTE to keep us safe. VOTE for your children. VOTE against hatred. VOTE against nastiness. VOTE.

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