Thursday, August 27, 2020


     So we have reached this point. I do not know how much lower we can go. We are invoking the name of G-d even as we sink so low that G-d must be blushing in shame. He must wonder, as do all parents when kids go astray, where and how did He go wrong. He did not. We did.
      We invoke G-d's name even as we speak with the Devil's tongue. I have long spoken of Pence as the Devil's Spawn, and last night's speech merely provided proof of that as he finally opened his mouth in public. Would that he had kept it shut!!  We have fallen or marched into, whatever choice you make, right into the two refuges of scoundrels - religion and patriotism - wherein important ideas are co-opted into a nefarious plan that is actually the opposite of those two terms.
     Biden, a man of faith, is attacked as a man of no faith, even as the man who manipulates G-d roars his approval of these tactics. We are told we will live in a socialist world, well, we already do in many ways. Try Medicare and Medicaid. Try aid to farmers. Try aid to the unemployed. Whenever a society's governing organ reaches out to improve the lot of the people, as a group, well, sorry, folks, that is socialism in operation. And no one is demanding that we carry socialism out to its extreme, re ownership, even as the shriekers maintain silence re their own fascistic behavior and trending thoughts and actions.
     The tone of all the speeches at the RNC are all frightening as hell. Threats as to life under Biden. Threats that are manifestly false. Lies that show their ignorance of history, of facts, of truths. Lies that cut through every single speaker's speech at the convention. Lies that are egregious in tone, in meaning, in representational aspects of this new Fascist Republican party. And if we are honest, that is now its true name.
      It is a party which has no facts straight and twists and turns the facts on their heads. And no one cares!!! It amazes me. The man who mishandled the pandemic to the tune of 180,000 dead, claims now to be a hero in overcoming it and all the little rats follow along. Really? When did we overcome!!?? Pardon the use of that word in this context.
     And speaking of overcoming, theses fascists are depicting a world wherein immigrants will stream over the borders with no rule or regulations. They try to make all be afraid, to turn to them as the only hope of safety. The lies are amazing in such a negative way. That is manifestly untrue. What Biden wants is a fairer and more open system in keeping with the ethos of America. He does not recommend using a 'Heat Ray' that burns the skin of those at whom it is pointed; he does not recommend storing children in cages or abandoned in hotel rooms. Or losing them altogether. Killed with kindness, I guess! Biden wants us to be America!! The same America that allowed us or our ancestors in to this blessed country now undergoing the throes of death as a  democracy. And in the meanwhile, what about those naturalized citizens who cut the line who are living a the WH on our dime - Melania and her parents. They travel all around with them, on Air Force One as well!! So lovely is Fascism in operation!!
     Worse, while we are all arguing at our own funeral as America, a very annoyed and frustrated G-d sends some of His handiwork our way, but do we hear? Nope. We remain deaf to our own disgusting words, to our terrible pictures we draw, to the awful and frightening hatred that we are growing quite rapidly, and ignore the world and its collapse around our own ears.
     So, in conclusion, Dear Lord, please hear the prayers of one insignificant worshipper. Please provide aid to those of us who care, who want peace and truth, love or even a neutral relationship rather than ones filled with hatred and blood. Deal Lord, help us see the light. Before it is too late.
     Thank you. 

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