Friday, July 31, 2015


     I have been thinking all day about the topic of hate and nastiness. I was truly taken aback at the level of gall, of chutzpah, that these two people had. Of course, I am referring to David Israel and Ed Black, who dare to do all they wish and to hell with everyone else.
     David Israel has been well known or rather notorious in his actions, at cursing people in public, yelling at them in public, ignoring them or insulting them, hating people who oppose him and firing people at will if they dare cross him. Exactly where Ed Black fits in here is unknown, whether he is the catalyst or the soldier who carries out the orders, but it does not really matter.
     David Israel should have been out of office at least two years ago but manipulated the delegate assembly THREE times until in the dead of summer he got term limits rescinded. After that he knew no limits. He would scream like a demented banshee and still does, in the assemblies, at anyone who dares to verbally oppose him. He threatened with calling 911 and the PBSO until he was told by the sheriff that they are not his servants, his posse and they do not subscribe to his whims. So now he calls on Al to shut off a mic, thus abrogating free speech, an American right and not for anyone in CV to cut it out and off.
     His paranoia and inner nastiness has come to the fore too many times and it has spread its foul odor over the entire Village. Why should I or anyone else have to write of his misdeeds and his contempt for the residents as he ignores their needs, never comes out of his hole to meet them and only invites the presidents of associations in for oh so false meetings when it approaches election time. And always around him, with him, unless he is off on a foul errand or trying to control things that are non of his business, is Ed Black, he who fires people, threatens people, has his sticky fingers and paws into everything that goes on in the Village.
     Anyone who opposes these people are subjected to nasty stuff. When I dared to oppose him two years ago because everyone else was too scared, too intimidated, he let loose his barrage of nastiness and was unpleasantly surprised when he saw I did not back away and gave as good - even better - than I got. So he got even nastier and I will stay off the topic of corrupted election procedure right now but will return to it at another time.
     Now we have a man who looks towards the future. He is getting on in age, is not so healthy, and is looking to carry on what he thinks is his legacy, so on he brings EBIT, the intern in training to imitate Ed Black and run the future UCO. I would not be surprised if he is being groomed for the next presidential election here in the Village and Israel will say he is retiring but trust me, his nastiness and his nastiness's alter ego will still be around.
     People, please, his nastiness, his mean character, his lack of people skills and inability to reach out to the residents, his never going around the Village to talk with people, never attends a show! Why are we allowing him to remain in office, to taint all that goes on in the Village, to start ridiculous projects and to play fast and loose with fiduciary responsibility and our funds, to intimidate his other officers. Look how Howie O'Brien does exactly what he is told to do.
     And what about the changing of rules almost on a daily basis. The Reporter has become a ridiculous yellow journalism Rag, not worthy of the paper it is printed on. Its editors consist of Joy Vestal, she who lives to serve David Israel, Myron Silverman who has no courage, no spine and no something else, and Don Foster, DonHoHo or EBIT now, who loves to fire people and then look for other Village positions he can grab for himself.
     Is it not time that we revert to civility? Is it not time for David Israel to admit that his time has come? Is it not time for him to GO GO GO!!! Is it not time for them to know and admit that criticism of a policy, or lack thereof, or a misstep in procedure or none at all, any criticism at all, is not to be taken as a personal attack. That is ridiculous. But nothing will change unless and until these men go, leave our UCO so that we might restructure it properly and fairly, staff it with a multitude of people rather than the few he keeps passing around. We will not have renters treated with decency here until he goes, even as he was the one who allowed Kelly to flourish with his renters and with the renters of Ed Black and Don Foster who owns multiple apartments in Sheffield as well.
     Are you not tired of the lies, the flaws, the bad consequences that we have to deal with? Are you not tired of the loss of your civil rights, your American rights? Are you not tired of the arbitrary rules that his "attorney" seems to come up with, all the while never showing anything in writing even as he strolls with Tennyson on his leash.
     Somebody out there is ready to run to oppose him. The opposition now has its own Facebook page, is on Youtube, has two blogs, has a thriving newsletter and email that is growing by leaps and bounds. All this will be thrown your way if you have the courage to run. You will not be alone and we will pledge to stay around and help and leave if and when the new president wishes, but the new president MUST be not of the David Israel/ Ed Black camp or else we are remaining in the doomed and nasty situation.
     Please, cut the garbage, run on the issues, David, speak to the people and stop hiding in your hole, debate like a man - or woman for that matter - but do something worthwhile other than your Papa Doc behaviorisms. The time has come. your time has come - and take your minions with you. No one will miss them.

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