Sunday, August 2, 2015


     So often, especially at this point in time and life, we ask ourselves, "who are we?" Sometimes we like the answer and sometimes we do not. There is always room for improvement, even if some refuse to recognize that. The choices we make during our lifetime is the determining factor in establishing our moral level and strength. These choice crossroads can occur in many ways.
     One lives in Germany of the late 1930's, able to see what is going on. one has a great job position and is set to rise in the hierarchy, but there is one bit of a problem. You have been called in by the big boss and told that you will go far - if - you join the Nazi party and if not, well....
     You are a child in school and know and have seen how one younger child is bullied, physically and mentally, every day at lunch recess. it is the same bully that used to torment you until you stood up to him. Should you intervene for the younger child's sake or should you just play dumb?
     You know of corruption where you live or work. It actually improves the standards in which you live, but there is a truly crooked path to get there and who know where it will lead? What to do? Whistleblower or deaf, dumb and blind?
Be an Erin Brokovich or play it safe?
     You live in CVWPB and know that the only way to get a piece of the kingdom is to sell your soul, make a deal with the devil. That means that you agree to abide by his every whim and wish, be it stated by him or his alter ego, or even the EBIT (trainee) or you will lose your chairmanship or your new little fiefdom that you thought of, or whatever role you so desired. You KNOW it is wrong and see and hear plenty but remain obedient or speak out? That is your choice.
      All these are choices of morality. Some are of greater consequence than others and some take time to build up for the nastiness to spurt forth, for the ugly boil to break, but the choices are all the same at he basic level. Does one do what is right or what is expedient? Which person are you? Or do you simply say, "Leave me out of this. I am neutral."
     But, you see, one cannot remain silent in the face of evil and wrong for if we do not speak out and up, then we are part of that very same evil, for doing nothing only allows it to flourish and trust me, its evil claws and talons will reach out for you as well. it is only a matter of time, for hate and greed, lust for power, is never sated, is always grasping for more, more, more.
     Life is not always easy, as much as we would like it to be. But the choice is there and the choice is yours. Do you go along with the lies, with the garage that is fed to you as the truth - until the opponents and truth seekers out the truth, and then try to rectify the situation? What do you choose to do? What do you think is the right thing to do? Think about it and then read the CV Messenger, the logs of truth, attend the meetings that are scheduled such as the one on August 5th and hear the truth, know the truth and act accordingly and honorably. The more we are, the stronger we are.

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