Monday, August 3, 2015


     The other day, I believe it was Saturday, I read an article wherein Obama's true long term intentions and wishes about Iran were analyzed and it all began with IF.  If Iran would do this and if Iran would do that, a whole lot of "if-full thinking! I do not want to get into an analysis of the Iran deal as it would take an hour and a half; suffice it to say that the deal stinks, majorly, and is a danger to us all, not just Israel, but the USA and other countries, a global threat.
     But the point here is that suddenly there is a new type of thinking around here, the world of if. If we can imagine it, if we can say that it would be better one way or another, if we can convince ourselves, never mind the other people, that things will go our way, then if all that happens - we can live a pie in the sky life. But that is all it is, pie in the sky, for one must base one's thinking and plans in a reality that could happen, that must be made to happen, but must be worked the proper way so as to enable it. As the old saying goes - "if wishes were horses...."
     We have the if only school of thinking in the refugee crisis wherein half the countries of the world, mainly in Africa and Asia, due to religious wars, economic issues and what all else, wish to empty themselves into the other countries of the world, all in a trek to that week's favorite flavor of country, currently Britain through the Chunnel.
     I need no lectures about refugees. My people were refugees begging any country in the world to take them, to at least take their children, and no one responded in any serious manner. It was the little people of the world who organized whatever programs there were, saving children, sending money, pleading desperately with governments but even the good old USA refused, FDR refusing the pleas of his wife, to take in the passengers of the St. Louis, all with talents and/or pledges for financial maintenance, no charge on the public - yet turned away they were, with most dying horribly in the camps and forest and ghettos of Europe.
     I know about people being turned away as my great grandmother was turned away at Ellis because one nasty inspector decided she would be of no positive value to the country, even as my grandfather pleaded with broken heart to allow her in, stood there with signed papers, proof of the fact that he would take care of her but back she went and eventually, several years later, into a boxcar she was thrown, too old and fragile to step up and climb in and off she was thrown at the destination of horror - dead, from the journey alone and hence my name.
     So I know of wishful if thinking. It does not work. What works is hard work, exposing the truth, exposing the wrongs, exposing the shameful behavior and thinking of the wrongdoers, of the mistakes and errors they have made which threaten us, tell the truth, out the truth, and get realistic thinkers and doers, honest people into office and open up the ranks of administration to all - exactly what needs to be done here and indeed, all over the world.
     It is great to look into the future and think of a better world for our kids and grandkids, but it is also necessary for us to fix the here and now and before we take on the wishes, we must tackle the necessities and correct the ills and wrongs of the past and present. That is what we are trying to do here in the Village. We are trying to rid it of the bloodsuckers who see UCO as a source of power, of importance, of reason to strut. "Look at me- I am on  so many committees. I rule the world!" Reminds me of the character in one of those Doris Day movies, standing there shouting, "I am king of the elevators."
     IF we can achieve that goal, to sweep UCO clear of all shortsighted and selfish thinking people, IF we can achieve that eminently achievable goal, IF we can get the people of the Village to rise up and instruct their delegates of the proper way to vote as we introduce the bylaws which will reinstate term limits and restrict the multiple roles and positions taken on by power hungry people here in the Village, IF we can do that - then we can remake our particular small piece of the world.
     If you want amusement and a substitute for definitive answers and responses to our questions, if you want to see the derision with which David Israel treats the electorate, if you wish and desire to live under a cloak of darkness rather than in the transparent sun lit world, then please, do hurry over to David's blog wherein the most important thing he could find is a clip about a car that will fly sometime in the future. Really? So what? Remember the 1964 World's Fair and the world we would have and remember the miracle of seeing the one on the other end of the phone and all the wonders that would happen?  Then if you do, you will realize that it took some time for things to happen and for others not and some things never and all in all - I do not see how all these stresses on supposedly technical advances truly improved the world on its very basic level. And oh my G-d can you imagine the drivers of the Village with these car hybrids!!!!Lordy, Lordy! Yes. We all walk around with smart phone - and have become very stupid in face to face talk. We talk of fancy cars even as the price for them rises into the stratosphere. We talk of a better world with much progress even as people are choked financially, as the American dream starts to fade, as the income and wealth differential becomes more and more distinct and severe, extreme. Remember all those apocalyptic movies wherein the  few rich people live in a protected Eden like world and the rest live in a destroyed, polluted, starving, arid world? Well, welcome to the future! IF, that is, we don't all wake up and first of all - we need to wake up here in our Village. Join us. Speak up. Speak out. Read the CV Messenger. Watch the website. Read the blogs. Term limits. Term limits. Term limits.

PS: Peter Cruz, you are such an ass it is truly astounding! Are you truly as dumb as you sound?

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