Wednesday, July 29, 2015


     My readers already know how I feel about the demise of The Reporter, its devolvement into The Rag. I cannot state it strongly enough, emphasize it enough. The press and its honest reporters have broken many stories throughout the history of the world. Yes, reporters are not perfect and can be majorly annoying, but be it in revolutionary France, colonial America or any other country in the world, it is often the press which leads the fight for right, lights the spark that will ignite the hearts and minds of people.
     It is important enough so that I will simply state a few more thoughts about it.
1."Congress shall make no law ....abridging the freedom....of the press."
2."This provision now protects the press from all government - local, state or federal."
3. "This concept supersedes even the acquisitive power of the Officers of UCO and the imperial autocracy of the UCO Reporter Editorial Board."
4. "The only connection that the Officers of UCO should have with the UCO Reporter is the right to submit Articles and/or write Letters to the Editor."

Is anybody finding this a bit familiar? I apologize for incorrect punctuation, but you see, OOOPPPS!!! These are not my original words, but the words of someone very well known to you and highly embroiled in the running of the present Rag - DAVID ISRAEL. Yes, the very same guy we all so know and love (not).
Want more?
."..we the Unit Owners own the Reporter and we have the right to expect a free and independent Editorial Board free of undue influence."
"We do not need to read that which is in essence a filtered and smoothed UCO House organ!"  (Love that one!)
"....they have the right to their opinion and all of those writings should have been published under the rubric of Opinion."
"The right to our opinion and the right to criticize our Elected Officials is a uniquely inherent fundamental American right."
"These restrictions.....are a direct attack on the Democratic principles we hold so dear."

Don't you love it! This guy shrieks unto the Heavens with all his twisted opinions and restrictions on the freedom of speech and press and assembly for opponents and yet, and yet - lookee here what he wrote in early November, 2008.
    Yes, these are his words, written somewhat illiterately, but still, I have said it before and will say it again. The man speaketh with forked tongue and speaks with whatever is politically relevant and for his benefit. In other words, he is a time connected liar and an opportunist and no one can EVER trust what he says since he does not mean a single thing and will seemingly do or say anything at any time as long as it is beneficial for and to him.
     This guy has got to go. Hey, even Obama, spoke to this yesterday when he said, " No one should be president for life. Your country is better off if you have new blood and new ideas." (Wow, I have been saying that for a heck of a long time!)
Hey, that includes you, David Israel. Resign, give it up, term limits are there for a purpose. Go. Shoo. Amscray. Get the hell outta' here! Get the point?
     A closing thought.
     "In "Federalist 51, "James Madison explained with cautionary insight the essential balance between the civil society and governmental restraint: "In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."  (underlining is mine).
    We need to internalize that thought from one of our Founding Fathers. We need to take it to heart and live by it, for certainly our government here, otherwise known as UCO, headed by David Israel and Ed Black, the unofficial Vizier, cannot and does not govern itself.

Even more seriously, we should all pray for the safe return of the two missing boys or at least knowledge of their fate, for the sake of the parents. Give your kids and grandchildren a call today, just to say I love you. It will make you feel better - and them too.

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