Tuesday, July 28, 2015


     Excuse me while I finish laughing and catch my breath. Have you seen, or better yet, read the new issue of The Rag? I must say, the name fits beautifully. I have never seen so many articles in the same issue of a publication on the same topic, all saying the same thing and all, somehow, getting in at least one of two comments:
1. How oh so wonderful David Israel and UCO were in solving this issue and
2. How annoying that "small group" of haters was and how they have done nothing for the Village in any way. Even suggestions they have made are ridiculous.
And I may as well raise another point. Please read the letter from Kelly's lawyer, if that is what he truly is. It is illiterate in its punctuation and phrasing, very poor behavior for an attorney. Each punctuation mark, proper spelling all mean something and either this guy was last in his class, has no assistant to proofread, does not have grammar check, or plans to use the errors in the letter to void it later on. Be aware!
     Well, thank you for all your attention. It just goes to show how much you are afraid of us and the truth we represent and bring to the notice of the residents. Thank you again. You see, the problem for you guys is that the technique of the Big Lie, used so well by Stalin and Hitler, and well written about in books such as 1984 and Brave New World, is not really working very well for you anymore. So sorry, but perhaps if you consult your Fascist handbook you might find some help, such as increasing the censorship and blocking of news, etc.  Just trying to be helpful, ya' know.
     I must say that I was both pleasantly surprised and disappointed by two VPs. Barbara Cornish publishes her phone number for people to call. Still think she should call first to the associations, but this will work, though remember, as can be seen in Sheffield O, that some boards will not have the oomph to do that first call. She thanks people for their work, though I still challenge her to appoint me to one of her supervised committees. We do not agree on term limits, but that is okay as democracy allows for differences of opinion.
     However, I was truly disappointed by Fausto's article. He makes a plea to work together even as he writes that there is a small group of haters here in the Village who are impeding those "elected to 'guide' the Village in a positive direction." Pardon me while I puke over that statement. Have you too fallen into the rut of David Israel and Ed Black? Are you playing the oh, pity us, card? Are you actually trying to put these UCO officers in the pictures as the underdogs!!!!!! Love it!! You repeat that we should work together? Well, go to my blog and read where I wrote this over and over again, most recently on the 24th in What A Waste. Do not be a hypocrite and say one thing while meaning another. Please, we have enough of that already in UCO.
     So let's go to the main topic of the Rag - the Sheffield O issue.  "Stunning Turnaround" shouts the lead headline. Uh, what turnaround was that? The fact that Kelly has his lawyer say that he has given up one thing, trying to dissolve the condo association? Really? And exactly how will that make it a stunning turnaround? Are the units going back on the market? Or are we going to continue to have homeless and transients being placed in there? Will we continue to have beggars there? And how about that "scantily" clad young lady? Perhaps that is the reason why that dude is standing at the Okeechobee entrance with a big Viagra sign. He is drumming up business! These issues of the apartments and their occupants are NOT solved nor will it change for the upcoming year as we get more people using this building as a motel, perfectly placed for South American shopping trips.
     Yes, one step forward, but we are still way behind the eight ball, my friends. Please remember that and also remember that it was David Israel who YEARS ago sent Nancy Salmi home with her tail between her legs, left out there all alone, because he said and maintained for years it was not UCO business, much to UCO's shame. It only suddenly became UCO business when WE shouted and yelled, wrote about it in the CV Messenger, and spoke to a TV reporter. Yes, it was UCO's concern and we had to kick their respective asses for them to acknowledge it.
     And by the way, it was ME who asked what the president knew and when and sorry, guys, it was a perfectly legit question, one which we already knew the answer to. And then, of course, we have the lovely article by Jody Lebel whose sole purpose is to rally people against the opposition, to walk away, to not read the papers - the CV Messenger. Well, sorry, Jody, whoever you are, as that ship has long ago sailed. WE are printing more issues than ever before and they are being grabbed up, mailed out, passed along, read on line, etc.
     By the way, dearest, passing along truth is not rumor nor gossip. It is the annoying truth to those who are at fault and who will try anything and everything to deny it. Not working..... You should also know that there is no one group here, only people that have come together at times and who agree and disagree with each other, again, as is proper in a democracy, people who are individually finding their own voices and sometime these voices are united in one place, but as a cabal? Spare me. Get over your paranoia and sense of persecution.
     So sorry, Joy, praise yourself all you want, but self praise is worthless, valueless, and if this paper is symbolic or representative of a super paper in your mind and opinion, then you truly have lost your journalistic way, never mind journalistic integrity.
     Oh, and your effort to make a joke of a serious problem - people here in the Village are elderly or getting there! Many have paper thin skin, delicate to the touch, always being damaged in one way or another. People have various diseases and syndromes that make it difficult for them to heal when injured. A burning bench, purportedly there for the comfort and ease of our residents and the uneven rocky or deep pits in which these benches are placed, particularly those that are off the perimeter road, is not a joke. Perhaps I should invite you to sit down on one after the sun has been shining directly on it for  several hours, and then hobble you so as to simulate the problems of some of our residents and not to worry, I will dial 911 as soon as you burn yourself!
     Now who cares and who does not about our residents and not to worry, today I end here, but as we all know ..."I'll be back!"
So much to write about.

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