Monday, July 27, 2015


      Was a tad lazy this morning and just did not get up, instead mused about various things going on in the Village. As usual, there were many that needed tinkering.
     One of the meetings this week is to deal with a new election committee chair. I guess Gorodetzer has finally resigned or been removed. She did work hard, but I believe that the last few years have shown a deterioration in her thinking and flexibility and change is definitely a good idea, but change is the key word and question. My guess is that we are simply going to get another shill of David Israel, possibly Anita Buchanan who does have a brain but seems to shut it down when it approaches anything to do with her lord and master. What should be done is to appoint co - chairs perhaps, people who are either new or from different camps in the Village, thus insuring open debate, new actions and policies and the restoration of a clear and honest election process, a process which has sadly and greatly deteriorated. But that is a pipe dream as expecting David Israel to play fair is like taking a trip to Pluto! Reaaaaaallllllly difficult.
     Another topic this week in the operations committee is that of a fountain!!! by the island outside the Clubhouse. Honestly! Do we really need to spend $20,000 on that? Who cares and what difference will it make to the fabric of life here in the Village. It might look nice, who knows, but as I have stated many times before - we need an austerity budget and if we have $20,000 to spare, then apply it to needed projects in the coming fiscal year, not to pie in the sky wishful thinking projects that will do nothing. People want to know that we have settled the Kelly and Sheffield O situation, not that we have a new fountain by the Clubhouse. People want to know that the issue of renters and homeless and transients is settled, not that we have a fountain. I can go on and on, but the point is made.
     There is also an issue regarding the last Finance meeting where Al, the guard Captain, was told to, assigned to, monitor those entering the meeting room and to bar any renters. Interesting that. Are we going to assign renters a sign or badge that they must wear so we will know who they are? Are we going to tar all renters with the same brush or are we going to make a difference between the long term renters, those who have even made a contribution to our Village and between those who are of Kelly ilk? You all know what is right so why let this stand, another Israel special, probably with the blessing of Ed Black.
     Do we have the question of open access and debate, of distribution of handouts, etc. settled fairly for the upcoming election? I doubt it highly. Well, why not? Why not pressure Eva and the Levys? Why not insist that David Israel stand up and fess up to the fact that it is he who controls this and Eva is his pawn here, that he is indeed a Fascist in his thinking and behavior?
     Finally, here is a little tidbit being generated in the rumor windmill of the Village. Heard it over the weekend. David Israel is NOT going to run again as there is too much open and vocal opposition to his blatant violation of the original term limits of the Village. It is felt that his "legacy" had left too much bad taste. It is also felt that he is too damn stuck in his bad ways to do any good for us so he is not going to run and instead will throw his weight to someone else, someone already in the administration. Shudder, shudder. Unless this person stands up to the lord and master and says thank you but you are out, and so is Ed Black, then we will be in the same or even worse situation. Just a comment and thought.
     Well, life is certainly not dull here, is it? Always puts forth food for thought. Trouble is, how many people actually will do the thinking and then the acting? It has been increasing, so let us hope the trend continues.
    Nothing to do with this article, but go to this site and listen. It will take seven minutes - but WOW!!!!

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