Friday, July 24, 2015


     While sitting and waiting for something this morning I had time to think about what is going on with UCO and the two different camps that appear to be battling it out, with the reformers picking up momentum and the current incumbents resorting to all sorts of ruses in order to maintain tenure in office. And I thought to myself - what a waste! What a waste of time, energy, ideas and enthusiasm that could all go to benefit the Village without first having to slog through a million miles of obstinacy and stupidity.
     Just think what could be done, what energy could be provided, what synergy would result if new volunteers would be accepted and named to committees so that instead of circulating the same 10 people, there are now 30 people or 40 people or 50 people all bursting with enthusiasm, all eager and gung ho to serve the Village.
     Just think what energy would be invested in more profitable outlets rather than having this same energy wasted as we fight to get our ideas heard and even put into practice. And make no mistake about it, our ideas are being accepted and are being put into place even as they fight it. Our truths are being heard, even if it took years for them to admit it. Instead of them expending their energy on denying the truth, how much better would it have been to work in a cooperative manner with all?    Instead of us having to waste time fighting crazy pie in the sky plans, we could all sit down and figure out the best places for our money, the best investment for our dollars and even perhaps figure out how we could get our own Clubhouse and at less than the highway robbery prices and costs that we pay off now. Hey, maybe we could even figure out what to do with the golf course.
     Just think how easy it would be if we were all able to cooperatively able to sit down and rework the bylaws together, actually work on a true Village newspaper together or even better yet, encourage both papers, returning the Rag to the Reporter and enjoying the CV Messenger. Why not be a two paper town?!
     Why not encourage true action and participation by encouraging debate and discussion. There are plenty of people here with a working brain so why dumb things down and show contempt for our residents? I do not and I believe that effort and attitude is appreciated.
     What a waste. Truly. But there is nothing we can do about it unless and until we get term limits reinstated and bring on the fresh and varied volunteers and integrate old and new together, taking the best from all and leaving the negative out there to decay. Think about it.

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