Sunday, August 20, 2017


     I do not understand. What is it, that little piece, that tiny flaw, that nick in the soul which allows one to turn on his fellow man and for others to turn into apologists for that self-same person, even as they themselves are thrown into the maw of the monster? What is it?
     Let us start with the lesser of two evils even as it too affects thousands. David Israel seemingly has nothing better to do with his very limited and cold life other than to figure out ways in which to increase his 'power' and rain disaster down upon the residents of the Village even as he treats them with contempt.
     There is a long train of such disasters but the most recent one is the proposed debacle of the building swap. He denies truths even as he uses fake numbers to convince people to vote for his desire. When the actual numbers come to the open, he goes on the attack and thinks shouting and then cowardice will do the trick. When that did not work he now has an interview about it, asked questions by a friendly soul. Here he lies in oh such a reasonable voice, in all his glory as there are no opponents there to wave the truth in his face, to debate him on the facts, to tell the real truth. Nor will he allow any opposing viewpoint to be posted on his so called Village blog for so much is he the coward and the tyrant. David is a true fan of Donald's alternative reality and this reality will hit the Village with yet another one of his financial disasters under which we are already reeling.
     On to the  more dangerous one in the short and long run of things. This is a man with no soul, only a cold beating heart which allows him to say truly cruel things, to walk on a path devoid of honor, devoid of ethics, devoid of morality. This is the man who is supposed to be the moral light of a country, of a world, and in fact, he is the very diametrical opposite. This is a man who discusses the size of his genitals about which I could care less as long as he keeps them in his pants. He boasts of the small size of his hands which  he cannot keep to himself and he talks of hate and hatred, finding good people in bad crowds, finding niceness in would be murderers, in hate mongers, in the inheritors of a monstrous legacy of imposed fear and bloodshed.
     But what is most concerning and puzzling is how seemingly intelligent people, some of whom are directly in the crossfire of these 'nice' people, make excuse after excuse for him, fiercely apologize for him, cut him a break and then wonder why others do not. They whine that he is picked on and no other president has ever had that. Really? Let us wake up Lincoln. Let us go back and peruse the papers about Obama, from his ears to his birth. Take Grant, take any which one you want - that is part of the job and if this man is too delicate to take this then get out of the WH and go to one of his hotels and stay there.
      Court Jews, shameful people, and the latest one is Mnuchin who says thus: "as someone who is Jewish, I believe I understand the long history of violence and hatred against the Jews (and other minorities) and circumstances that give rise to these sentiments and actions.”
But Mnuchin argued that Trump’s comments were misrepresented and pointed to an earlier statement in which he urged Americans to “condemn all that hate stands for.”
     No. Wrong, so very wrong and so very cowardly. Does he need the job he has to boost his ego so badly that he would support a man who supports people who would throw him in the ovens? Does Kushner think that he would be immune? No, for from Kapos, to the Judenrat to the Jewish police, to the individual Jews who turned in those who were hiding - the end was the same for all, gas and ovens. Words of hate and support for that hate cannot be "misrepresented". Never. This is not the topsy - turvy world of Alice in Wonderland.
     So on Facebook one trumpets the words of one old lady who heads a tiny local chapter of the NAACP and she is trotted out for show to portray how even African Americans support these statue loving people and the philosophy behind it. Another court person. This weighs nothing as we put it on the scale with the thousands, the hundreds of thousands, with the 300 people from Yale who urged their classmate Mnuchin to do the right thing, with the resignation of the Arts Council, with the resignations of the business and manufacturing councils and advisory boards, against all the organizations who have pulled their charitable dinners from Mar a Lago, from the Republicans who finally stood up for the moral and the right and we will see if they continue to do so. Or will they sell their souls once again in order to win elections.
    The base is what I keep hearing. So do 4,000 people in Iowa balance against the millions who are protesting? Does that base measure up against the fading of its numbers and percentiles? Does wrong make right or does wrong use expediency to get its way. Do we allow a sociopath or as one called it a prime opportunist who knows to grab each opportunity to better himself over others, do we allow that man to rule us, to destroy our democracy, to destroy the world? The man cannot even spell four letter words finding himself unable to know the difference between heel and heal. He is the first and will never do the second.
     He is the ultimate swamp critter and at least we have Carl Icahn resigning due to the fact that he is in trouble himself with his own conflict of interests with his connection to the administration and almost every single one in the administration has the same problem, but the swamp goes on under a new chief crocodile - Trump - and fools think new croc, new reality.
"Lord what fools these mortal be!!"
    Hundreds of years ago there was another eclipse and afterwards people said they could see three suns in the sky and pronounced that a good omen for the Plantagenet family which ruled England. Well, slowly but surely those suns faded and the three brothers, Edward IV, George of Lancaster, and Richard III died and their descendants were rooted out by the Tudor family and rulers, Henry VII and Henry VIII. Even the great Elizabeth I did her share. Beware of false omens. Seek justice and righteousness, and upright leaders for if not there will be hell to pay.
     No apologies for hate nor the purveyors of hate, whatever rung of society they supposedly rate. As far as I am concerned, the man known as The Donald is trash. I could care how much money he has or garners from others. You apologists out there, think again and stop with the Obama excuses and the Hillary excuses. They are out of the picture and unfortunately Trump is right smack in it. Would that it were not so.

     Try reading the following and think about it.
         AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR FELLOW                                   JEWS

To our fellow Jews, in the United States, in Israel, and around the world:
We know that, up to now, some of you have made an effort to reserve judgment on the question of whether or not President Donald Trump is an anti-Semite, and to give him the benefit of the doubt. Some of you voted for him last November. Some of you have found employment in his service, or have involved yourself with him in private business deals, or in diplomatic ties.
You have counted carefully as each appointment to his administration of a white supremacist, anti-Semite, neo-Nazi or crypto-fascist appeared to be counterbalanced by the appointment of a fellow Jew, and reassured yourself that the most troubling of those hires would be cumulatively outweighed by the presence, in his own family and circle of closest advisors, of a Jewish son-in-law and daughter.
You have given your support to the President’s long and appalling record of racist statements, at worst assenting to them, at best dismissing them as the empty blandishments of a huckster at work, and have chosen to see the warm reception that his rhetoric found among the hood-wearers, weekend stormtroopers, and militias of hate as proof of the gullibility of a bunch of patsies, however distasteful.
You have viewed him as a potential friend to Israel, or a reliable enemy of Israel’s enemies.
You have tried to allay or dismiss your fears with the knowledge that most of the President’s hateful words and actions, along with those of his appointees, have targeted other people — immigrants, Black people, and Muslims — taking hollow consolation in how open and shameless his hate has been, as if that openness and shamelessness guaranteed the absence, in his heart and in his administration, of any hidden hatred for us.
The President has no filter, no self-control, you have told yourself. If he were an anti-Semite — a Nazi sympathizer, a friend of the Jew-hating Klan — we would know about it, by now. By now, he would surely have told us.
Yesterday, in a long and ragged off-the-cuff address to the press corps, President Trump told us. During a moment that white supremacist godfather Steve Bannon has apparently described as a “defining” one for this Administration, the President expressed admiration and sympathy for a group of white supremacist demonstrators who marched through the streets of Charlottesville, flaunting Swastikas and openly chanting, along with vile racist slogans, “Jews will not replace us!” Among those demonstrators, according to Trump, were “a lot” of “innocent” and “very fine people.”
So, now you know. First he went after immigrants, the poor, Muslims, trans people and people of color, and you did nothing. You contributed to his campaign, you voted for him. You accepted positions on his staff and his councils. You entered into negotiations, cut deals, made contracts with him and his government.
Now he’s coming after you. The question is: what are you going to do about it? If you don’t feel, or can’t show, any concern, pain or understanding for the persecution and demonization of others, at least show a little self-interest. At least show a little sechel. At the very least, show a little self-respect.
To Steven Mnuchin, Gary Cohn, and our other fellow Jews currently serving under this odious regime: We call upon you to resign; and to the President’s lawyer, Michael D. Cohen: Fire your client.
To Sheldon Adelson and our other fellow Jews still engaged in making the repugnant calculation that a hater of Arabs must be a lover of Jews, or that money trumps hate, or that a million dollars’ worth of access can protect you from one boot heel at the door: Wise up.
To the government of Israel, and our fellow Jews living there: Wise up.
To Jared Kushner: You have one minute to do whatever it takes to keep the history of your people from looking back on you as among its greatest traitors, and greatest fools; that minute is nearly past. To Ivanka Trump: Allow us to teach you an ancient and venerable phrase, long employed by Jewish parents and children to one another at such moments of family crisis: I’ll sit shiva for you. Try it out on your father; see how it goes.
Among all the bleak and violent truths that found confirmation or came slouching into view amid the torchlight of Charlottesville is this: Any Jew, anywhere, who does not act to oppose President Donald Trump and his administration acts in favor of anti-Semitism; any Jew who does not condemn the President, directly and by name, for his racism, white supremacism, intolerance and Jew hatred, condones all of those things.
To our fellow Jews, in North America, in Israel, and around the world: What side are you on?
Michael Chabon
Ayelet Waldman
Berkeley, California, 8/16/17

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