Thursday, August 20, 2015


     Ya gotta love it. Do they not see nor hear how funny they are, how hypocritical they are, what their flip flops of yesterday actually mean? Do they still not understand that the truth will out and playing games on his blog will not change the outcome? Whatever they think, whatever goes on in their twisted little minds, I do thank them for the laughs they provided yesterday in all their glorious stupidity and non thinking.
     So what happened? David and Ed (sounds like a comedy team) are running scared. The opposition has a set of five amendments that are written in  clear and concise language, checked and written with attorney review and input, and the import of it is clear. Lanny, their pompous mouthpiece in residence states "that to pass them ( these amendments) would cause a massive upheaval in the way things have been done." EXACTLY!!!! He then admits that maybe at another time he would pass them (oh, thank you, kind sir) but not now. Why? Because gone would be the cronyism. Gone would be the cheating and the fake voting. Gone would be the rubber stamp voting wherein five to ten people control our destiny and the fate and future of our home. Gone would be the profligate and wasteful spending of our funds. Gone would be the incompetence and the selfishness, the nastiness and the dual and triple and quadruple hats worn by these very same incompetent and venial people.
It is indeed quite funny when Lanny so pompously and so stupidly points out the real issue here and then thinks no one will understand that and he even admits that yeah, maybe at another time he would pass these but not now, not when the "malcontents" are suggesting these changes. And why is that? You think about it and come to your own conclusion. If Thomas Jefferson thought Thomas Paine to be a radical would it have made his words in Common Sense any the less important or seminal in and to the American Revolution? Please, Lanny, grow up, and stop showing such contempt for the intelligence of the residents here in the Village.
     Then of course we have that moronic vote on David's blog, the one where he thinks he is a major blogger or website who sponsor those votes where thousands and thousands of people vote. So his little Niblets will vote and vote again and anyone else will not be allowed. The few that were allowed through are now blocked again and guess what? Poor David go it wrong in the beginning and actually Gary and Marilyn and I got thru with a posting. I quoted David's own words about term limits right back to him and Ed's as well, and asked for an explanation as to why their views have changed. DAVID thought it proved someone to be an autocrat if they wished for no term limits and Ed stated that it is not good for officers to be entrenched seemingly forever. Wow, has their tune ever changed! But the best part is that my post and Gary's post were removed. Mine did not last even an hour and needless to say I never received an answer. Never really expected one anyway. I, WE, already know the answer. thank you, Tsar David.
     So you go on, little Davey, and dream your own dreams. Push people to vote in your ridiculous setup for how can a vote of perhaps, and I am being generous here, of a couple of hundred votes, if that, be meaningful in a Village of thousands and thousands of people. How can a "poll" be valid when people are blocked from voting. I gotta say it, sorry. You are so stupid here and in your dealings yesterday that I truly fear for your mental health and sanity.
     Want to hear the Village speak? Go to Facebook and see messages left, including one that goes like this: "G-d you guys are an awesome group of activists and congratulations on your success. I called a week ago to talk to Joy Vestal, and I left her a nice message and she never returned my call. and yes, she was back in town."
     Does this not say it all. Get to the meeting today at 10 in UCO. Speak up. Tell of the bad system we now have, how we need to return it to term limits and clear out the old and in with new ideas, new people, keep the good and out with the nasty, the bad, the poor thinking, the lack of planning. Try to help these poor benighted fools who now sit in UCO planning for themselves, discussing what snacks they need from BJs instead of following process and procedure in running the Village. Time to give them a rest, time for them to sit by the pools, go play pickleball, go read a book, go try to become intelligent once more.
     Term limits. Pass the amendments. Bring good government back to the Village again. Rise from the depths to new heights.

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