Friday, August 21, 2015


      Yesterday's meeting of the advisory committee was a travesty of a meeting. The officers  came into the room with smug looks and nasty looking clothing, showing complete disrespect for the meeting and its purpose. David came in wearing his usual worn and creased pair of pants and one of his two jackets. Does the man not have any other clothing? Does he never launder or clean them? And for those who complain that someone's shorts are always falling down, well, there was an officer there who exposed great areas of his lower rear geography, so please, people, before you throw the stones check your own pants and those of your friends! The point is not that one must wear formal clothes or business attire - wear shorts and a tee if one wants - we are retired - but for Heaven's sake, show a bit of respect to the residents and your position and be clean and neat and make sure your clothing fits!
     PS to Petey Boy aka Village idiot. So two things, fool. First of all, I had a typo and left out the "r" and instead of Fabrio it became Fabio not that anyone could mistake and confuse the two. Hate that long hair of Fabio's. Second of all  - you, YOU, talk of thinking minds? Not yours anyway, fool, and not to many of them in the Israel camp are there? And who said anything about dropping shorts unless that is what you had in mind - a purposeful dropping of your shorts, but that would mean that you are a pervert. Hmmmm
     But the purpose of the meeting was serious. It was to introduce the five amendments to the bylaws that will reform our UCO and remake it into a democratic and capable representation of our electorate, staffed with people who are not after their own agenda and their own little power circles, but instead work to service the Village. Needless to say, they voted the same way on every one of these proposed amendments - no - not a surprise, though it was a pleasant surprise to hear that Gorodetzer actually voted yes on some. Good for her and developing some independent thinking and voting.
     Since they were all voted on, they all have to move forward to the next committee which will be a replica of today's voting as the same people vote again- exactly  one of the issues we are trying to resolve and of course, they do not want to as it would mean a loss of their power.
     One of the major topics was the reinstatement of term limits. When David Israel's and Ed Black's own words endorsing term limits were read to them, the reaction was laughter, a snide laugh by David Israel. He thinks he is Teflon - nothing will stick to him so he can say anything he wants, contradict himself, grab power and glom onto it with his ugly miserable sticky paws and it will be ok and why? Because it is him and he is the master of all who reside here in the Village.
     Has he worked to get us a CAM to replace Herle? Who knows? It is all secret - except for the rule that legally we MUST HAVE A CAM and no, Fabio is not a CAM nor is ED, nor is anyone else here. Jean Dowling is a licensed one so why not ask her and if not, then many things must come to a halt because there is no CAM here and the law requires one.
     Finally, another example of David Israel's nasty and who gives a damn attitude. He knows that the budget is a hot topic and many will wish to attend and many of those who want to are Jewish - as is David - though he will work quite hard to hide that fact,  and he has scheduled the next meeting of the finance committee on the budget on September 23 - Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. When he was reminded of that error???
he took off after the one who reminded him with one of his nasty and disgusting rants and tirades.
     People, is this the one we want to run the Village? Is this the attitude we want in our president? Is this the representative of all that we are here in the Village? I would desperately hope not so VOTE FOR TERM LIMITS AND VOTE FOR ALL THE AMENDMENTS. MAKE SURE YOUR DELEGATES KNOW THE WAY THE RESIDENTS WANT THEM TO VOTE - VOTE YES, YES, YES, YES, YES ON ALL FIVE AMENDMENTS.
      And by the by, David has a big entry on his private blog that purports to be an interview with a Post reporter. There are two very small bits, a sentence or two from David - this is not an interview. Again, if you need tutoring in vocabulary, just give me a call. Nor does David in any way acknowledge his falling down on the job by enabling Kelly to grow his "motel" business, knew about it for three years and did NOTHING and nor did his officers such as Joy Vestal who was at that meeting with Salmi. So much for the power and objectivity of the press!
     In no way does David acknowledge that it was the work of the CV Messenger and its investigative reporting, its initiative and its articles that brought this situation out into the open and forced Kelly to quit his nefarious plans but now what do we do about all the units he owns? Must the opposition do David's job again? And again?
     This man does not learn and has the nerve of a master thief. In a recent exchange of letters with Ed Grossman, who, by the way, has weathered all the abuse directed at him by the David Israel camp, and kept on, keeping his nose to the grindstone, spent thousands of his own money, and in this exchange David is persisting in keeping on his old path of denying information required by law, playing the old denial game, playing dumb - which I must say, judging by his record is not hard to play for him.
     This needs to stop and the officers who are now so far up his rear that they breathe with him, need to look to their past as documented by articles in past Reporter issues, and stop this ridiculous opposition to the truth and learn to work with us for the benefit of all. We do not care about power for ourselves. What we care about is justice, the right thing to do, honesty and what is best for the Village. It appears that the only way for us to achieve that is to oust the David  Israel camp with all its corruption and incompetence and dishonesty. Join us. Instruct your delegates for the DA.

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