Wednesday, August 19, 2015


     I almost do not know where to start as there are so many things to write about. OK. Will start with the case in the Supreme Court that had a wonderful write up in the NY Times yesterday, August 18th. It was a small case that became a big, a huge case and resulted in major changes to freedom of speech issues and basically the result is that it is almost unlimited. AHEM. Hear that, David? Hear that, Ed? Hear that, Eva? Do you actually wish to get into a real legal mess as you deny freedom of speech here in the Village? I hope not, for your sake. Now I want, NO, I DEMAND, the right to distribute leaflets, papers in the Clubhouse all of which have to do with our home. I DEMAND the right to have open meetings without begging. Please consult your attorneys - not Tennyson - but real ones and check out your risk by denying this and you, Joy, same deal for you and the paper.
     Then we have that fool, once again, sticking her nose out and getting it chopped off - Elaine Brown. You should stick to pictures of animals, Elaine. What she posted was about a website that is trying to curb the cyber bullying that has led to so many suicides amongst our kids for it is truly vicious. I know personally as I had to deal with it in my prior life as a principal. It hurts the child a great deal and is difficult to track down and put a stop to the evil and the hate that is part and parcel of it. So what are you saying here, Elaine? Is David being cyber bullied? Really? I would have thought that it is far more of a likelihood that he is doing it. He has tried it before and certainly tried to do it with me when I opposed him for office. Lucky for me that I could give a hoot as to what he directs towards and about me but as far as pity for him? Gimme a break!! Writing the truth about someone's actions and speculating as to the underlying reasons, particularly when these speculations are backed up by facts, is not bullying and too bad if poor David and Ed are feeling a tad besieged. They are correct. They are being besieged by a storm of facts, by a growing opposition, by people who are realizing the truth of all these matters and his sticky grasp on our lifelines in UCO will be removed.
     Next item up. The proposed budget. Suddenly all is cut, but the revenues increase. Huh? More fuzzy accounting. And what happened to us amassing the needed million for the roadway redoing? Suddenly it is not an emergency or a need awaiting us just down the road? Is it back to denial and statements that it was a wonderful job and hoping that no one remembers your statements that contradict that? Are we back to Ed accountancy? What the hell? Howie, you know accounting, so step up, take a breath and tell the truth, not what David And Ed want you to say. This will backfire on you at the finance meeting.
     Aha! And now to the amendments. Oohh is David running scared! Oh yes indeedy! For these amendments will take the reins right out of his greedy little hands, right out of the grasping hands of his non elected consigliere and put them back where they belong - in the hands of the people. UCO will definitely be changed. He is correct in that. But how? Well, there will be more people of more opinions in there. There will be more people voting on things, not the same people on different committees  There will be more people in positions around the Village, not the same people wearing different  hats and then complaining that it is okay for them to do a lousy job because they are so busy. Wonder how that excuse worked out at their previous jobs before the Village. Why should we have to suffer and tolerate incompetents, whiners, liars - see yesterday's blog for all that. Why? And the answer is  WE DO NOT.
     So push your delegates to vote properly when it gets to the DA. Reinstate term limits. Reinstate the idea of democracy here, rather than the rule of the few. We already had the American Revolution. The French revolution, the 1848 revolutions, the revolutions of Eastern Europe and the demands for their rights and even the ideas behind the Arab Spring - all there, some succeeded and some did not but it will here if we all do the right thing and do not get bullied or threatened into doing what His Nibs and His Niblets want. Stand up for the right. Shut down the wrong. Please note the accusations David makes in his posting on his private blog masquerading as the Village blog, and note that he says nothing to back up his ridiculous accusations. That is because they are all lies and this is his technique. There are no inconsistencies. There are no complications. They are simple and clear and ruinous to his plans to install himself as King David. That guy was in the Bible, a great person, but it is not this David sitting in his little hidey hole in UCO. Look beyond the lies and see the truth.

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