Monday, August 31, 2015


     Sometimes I wonder what the world is all about and where exactly where we are heading. I especially do so on a night like tonite where I am wishing so desperately to be able to sleep but cannot. Too late for a pill so I guess it is just one of those nites. Oh well. At least I renewed my library books already,
     It is a time to wonder about things like the shock received when we saw someone who shall be nameless entering UCO yesterday afternoon in a pair of black shorts and a t-shirt! Yes, folks, there is other clothing in this world, other than two jackets and a pair of pants. Be still my heart!
     It is a time for serious wonder at the course of the world. What will happen with these millions of migrants and refugees? Where exactly will they be able to go. One feels for those fleeing war and then thinks how the war came about. Why is it that the people of that country are fleeing while foreign fighters flock in, claiming to do their work for their god. Does one not wonder how confused G-d must be what with all these varying groups killing and beheading and maiming and burning and whatever, all in His Name?
     I worry over the fate of Israel. The younger generations today have no memory of a time when there was no modern State of Israel, and actually I do not either as we are the same age, but it frightens me to read and hear of the open regrowth of anti-Semitism often disguised as anti Zionism or anti Israel statements. I wonder why it is that the people of the Book, the people of their prayers, who for 2,000 years wandered in Exile, made their way in a frequently deadly and hostile Diaspora, who prayed all those years to redeem the promise of Zion made to their forefathers are now deemed irrelevant to that very land? I wonder when I will ever understand this world.
     I try to understand how African countries can be so wealthy in natural resources yet so poverty stricken and yes, there was colonial exploitation, but that has been over for lo these many a year and yet the indigenous population has managed to be sophisticated as any European in the culture of bribes and internecine warfare. Tribal warfare and genocide, religious war, widespread rape, children starving and the women, as usual, trying to hold things together, trying to keep their children alive and all of these people just pouring out of these war torn countries into a Europe which is neither prepared nor wanting to figure out the problem of handling this flood of humanity.
     I read, and even as I read the paper and try to figure out the market, the crazy ups and downs, and wonder how do I keep my investments sane somehow in all this when the "experts" themselves are at sea. I wonder how to invest with principles in mind, avoiding companies that support and participate in the BDS movement and try to have at least some Israeli companies in my simple little portfolio. And I wonder when will this all end.
     Europe itself is a roil with angry crowds and protesters. Politicians are being picked off left and right for bribery, sexual misconduct, and all sorts of "interesting" behavior. Ukraine is invaded by Russian troops and it is almost comedic how Putin thinks that one can hide that fact by stripped down uniforms. But the bodies go home to their Russian families and the ruble is suffering as their economy struggles under sanctions. Hungary once more is fencing in its borders, this time to keep people out and even the Channel is no barricade against migrant invasion. I wonder - what is next?
     And do not think that I am immune from wondering about our own country. 20+ people and growing running for president and nary a one of presidential caliber. I try to focus on one but every time I think I can make a compromise that I can live with and support, or at least vote for, this very same one then ups and does or says something stupid, or outrageous and there we are again - back to the what the hey is going on here feeling! The candidates fawn all over the rich dudes and forget all us wee little people, but we are America so yes, hear us roar - or at least vote. They pander to the interest groups and then lie through their teeth and flip when they get in office. How to deal with this? How to understand all this? I wonder.
     And then of course we have our own little mirror of the world right here in the Village. What do we do with our own political clique that is ruining the Village, that is headed by a man who seriously needs some mental health care? What do we do with the corrupt and/or inept? What do we do with the people of small minds who see only thru the mirror of their own needs and vanity and never mind the electorate? What do we do?
     We fight. We go on and push for the right things to happen, for the right people, for proper procedures and honest government. And at the end of the day we are either satisfied with our efforts and proud of ourselves for standing up for what is right or not. And we pick up the next day exactly where we left off. We are like water and our power of erosion on those who think they are mighty will eventually win out. We have made progress and I wonder at the marvel of that!
     And then I wonder why I let all this eat away at me and oof! I am going to look at some pictures of my little ones and laugh and smile at their antics and smiles, think of their hugs and kisses and remember that they are the reason for fighting for the right for if we do not then what will their world be like? I wonder.... 


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