Friday, August 14, 2015


     Part of the joy of a give and take is exactly that - the give and take, the dueling with words, the moment when one knows that a point has been scored. But that implies that the participants of this activity are well ranked against each in levels of ability. It is not so when one is constantly being derivative in his writing.
     Derivative means that one has taken or tried to take the style of another, the words of another, and tried to make a point using them but not succeeding. A good example is the use of yellow journalism as a term, a descriptive word being applied to The Rag. David Israel, who before this NEVER used this term, now suddenly says that his opposition is a part of yellow journalism.
     Let us take this accusation apart. Who has told lies, orally and in print? Who has been the one to take over an entire newspaper and turn it into his mouthpiece? Who has hidden facts from the residents and then only spoken about it when forced to? Who has hidden items from the general public and included them only in those ridiculous IFIs sent to those whom Israel feels he has a chance of co-opting or already holds them in thrall?
     Again, the truth will always out. I have said this six zillion times and yet, the liars, the incompetents, refuse to accept this, instead keeping to their quickly eroding path that will take them nowhere other than to a bankrupt Village and a physical dump of a place.
     They hid that the previous CAM, Carver, was a paid employee of the Village at the same time that he had contracts with associations to manage properties. He hid the fact that Carver took over as basically the project manager of the road paving job, manifestly unqualified and how did that work out for us? He hid the fact that he knew about Kelly, enabled Kelly, refused to do anything about Kelly until forced to by US and even now we are still in crisis mode for what of the tenants, the homeless being sheltered quite inappropriately here in the Village. What of that? Who the hell knows, since David Israel is a consummate liar and omits the truth whenever and wherever possible.
     He has hidden the truth about Herle. Yes, people quit or resign or are fired all the time. That is the world of business, but how and when and why Herle decided to leave, the roles that UCO officers played in this decision, when they knew and why was it all held secret and not disclosed to the DA? Why was it only sent out - and even then, sent out only in the IFI - only AFTER we broke the news.
     Derivative? Yes, David Israel. You have not had one positive original thought in who knows how long and seem to gain some energy only when you are screaming at someone in public and why people stand still for that I will never understand. You gain some energy by trying to hide the truth and never learn that one cannot do that. For Heaven's sake, just pick up a paper and see what has come out just in the past few days, what with ISIS and chemical attacks, planned sex slavery, a frontier mentality in some law agencies and what else and who knows the next thing that will come to the fore?
      So give it up already. You are becoming tired and useless unless it is to do harm and cause ill will. Leave and take your minions with you and let us get on with the job of restoring our Village to its glory days, to a place of safety, where people were not afraid to walk at 2 AM, to leave a door unlocked, and of course, let us not forget those infamous members of the doorknob thieves!!!
     Term limits, folks, term limits. Attend the advisory meeting, the DA. Send in your messages to the blogs that will print them and all one has to do here is send me an email asking to become an author and get a google account and one can post. Gary's blog is open for postings. Only you know who's blog is closed to all except for the usual suspects! TERM LIMITS, THE ONLY WAY TO THE FUURE FOR OUR VILLAGE.TERM LIMITS.

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