Thursday, August 13, 2015


      Last nite I was watching a video of a lecture sent to me from a friend and it dealt with sexual abuse and the attempts of communities to hide it, to bury their heads in the sand about it and just blame the victims. As I listened to the speaker, an author whose book I have read, rolling through my head was the plea to G-d to make them rue their sins, their willful  ignorance and blind eyes. The old saying that what goes around comes around sang in my head and I know that that is true as I have seen it in my lifetime. And all this led me to the thoughts of sin and redemption - I guess at this stage in life we think about that more and more!
     Sin is not only a religious topic or thing. It is the violation of what is right, what should be, and certainly contains within it the violation of duties and responsibilities of a communal position and the realization that if one does wrong there, misuses and abuses the public trust, then one must atone and try for redemption. So how does this work?
     I believe there are four stages. One is recognition that one has indeed sinned, understanding that no matter how one tries, one cannot turn away from the reality of it all. It also helps if others start the process which often helps the sinner recognize the sin. I believe we have done that here, just as others in the outside world have brought many politicians to their knees as their misdeeds came to the surface. I told you so - the truth will out!
     The second stage is the understanding and acceptance of exactly what the sin was and why it was wrong. It is a difficult step to take as one is always looking for justification for one's misdeeds.  Well, I am not sure that David Israel and crowd have even reached this point. Many of this crowd are beginning to realize that they indeed have done wrong, abused the public trust, but unfortunately there are always more awaiting, willing and ready to get their chance at the public trough and here too we have those waiting to get their chance at establishing their own little kingdom. Don Foster. Fausto - so disappointed with this one as I had high hopes.  And you can insert other names as well with these just being two of them and easily seen to be so. Because one CAN do something does not make it right to do it. Joy Vestal is one who should understand this idea though I am not even sure that she recognizes that she has done wrong, so blinded by access to power and control is she.
     The third stage is repentance, acknowledging the wrong that has been done and then attempts to at least try to repay, to make up for what has been done. Can you imagine the burden that ED Black would have at this stage??!! Boggles the mind doesn't it?
     And finally, the fourth and final stage, the planning for the future, for the positive and permanent change in behavior, in motivations, the realization that one must do better and what one owes to his/her fellow human beings. This is a hard stage but can be done if one has the will and the want. I sadly do not see this in our UCO officers at present and see only their selfish needs driving them. And their selfish "leader" does not help the matter.
     Well, folks, WE can no longer hide our heads and minds in the sand. These people are nasty and dangerous, mean and cruel, unthinking of others as they pursue their own selfish desires and quest for power, such as it is. Well, to them I say - read the papers and know that justice does come around, perhaps now, perhaps later and perhaps even after death and in that case - screw the supposed legacy, huh!!! So think about your actions as we do, and as we expose your misdeeds and shortcomings, your sins against the residents of the Village. We will provide the obvious impetus that you need to acknowledge what  you have done and then make up for it.
    I wish you luck in your very arduous and difficult journey. Aaaahhhh, the thought of term limits intrudes once again!
  PS - please be sure to read the posting immediately below this one, written last nite and a response to David Israel and his posting via his IFI. Thank you.

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