Sunday, August 16, 2015


     I am in a quandary. I do not know if I should throw a tantrum a la David Israel or bang my head against the wall, shout to the heavens or shake my head in sorrow at what has come to pass. I mean the garbage about UCO that keeps coming to the surface, the truth that refuses to be buried - it just boggles  the mind.
     As stated before, I had hopes, seemingly or obviously misplaced, that Fausto might do some good in UCO but obviously I was wrong. A man who keeps spouting that one of his eminent qualifications is that he is president of the Italian American club here in the Village, who states that it is incorporated and thus worthy of special treatment, and the excuse that he does not know the process, therefore is excused from it - uh uh. No good. First of all, it is a long and well known principle in the law that ignorance of it is no excuse and will not get one off.
     So what to do with ignorance of something. And do not get me wrong, not knowing a detail is fine - if - one makes sure to remedy that state of ignorance by research, by asking what is the right way to proceed, by checking with experts - by doing anything to make sure one is on the right track. To say that one does not know the process and that  a committee voted on something and ergo the DA did not have to - or so he thinks - not good, my friend, not good enough by far.
     In addition, Fausto presented himself as the new Dom for he would take on as his special area of expertise and supervision that area of infrastructure that Dom had handled. He would work with Ted Herle, the CAM. Well, how's that working out for us? Not so much. Not so good as Herle resigned under very cloudy circumstances, and now we get this same VP stating that he did not know how much the contract was costing us for the restriping?! Is he for real? Does one not know how much the car mechanic is taking to fix one's car or how much the painting contractor is charging to repaint the building or how much the plumber wants to fix the clog? The answer is emphatically no! One might forget after the job is done and time has passed, but for G-d's sake, this job is NOW so how could one not know. If this is a physical issue of memory inability then Fausto needs to go. If not, and it is a measure of incompetence or hiding the truth or obeying the Lord and Master in order to hide something - then he still has to go along with the other incompetents and liars.
     If there is another explanation I certainly would love to hear it. My mind is open, though disappointed. And by the way, there is another incorporated entity here and that is The Reformists Party of CV so do we get special privileges too?
     How do we allow this bumbling Three Stooges UCO to continue to exist? How do we let them keep ruling our lives, spending our money, wasting our funds, letting the infrastructure deteriorate, and keep the lies flowing. How? By standing by and doing nothing.  I will not be here for the meeting, but if you are, then go to the advisory committee meeting on Aug 20th and show that we will not stand for tampering with the proposed by laws, or with their trying to ram through bad ones for the Village. Gorodetzer is the chair of these by law proposals that will ruin the Village for good and we all know her totally biased behavior, so be careful. Speak up at the meeting. Flood the meeting, support the by laws that the CV Messenger has put forth though attacked and frustrated at every turn in their attempts to right the wrongs we now have, what with dual jobs, corrupted media and all the rest of the garbage that goes along part and parcel of the present UCO administration. And do not forget the wonderful contracts we get shoved down our throats - yes, just like the security contract with Kent, "the best contract ever" - so says Ed Black, the author of this travesty of a contract and the liar about it until it all blew up in his face as the truth came boiling to the surface.
     You cannot make up this amount of ignominy, of corruption, of incompetence, of lies, of wastefulness, for it would certainly task the mind and imagination. Nope, this is all real, sadly so, and all the result of the "hard work" of these nincompoops!
     Term limits, folks. Term limits.

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