Wednesday, October 14, 2015


     Have a bit of an eye problem so posting might be a tad shorter today. Just some questions worth asking and of course, probably not getting any answers. This UCO administration seems to be following the ways of the dictators of the world, of the savages in the world who either do not answer because the answer would be self damning or they persist in repeating the lie, over and over again, until the lie seems to become fact in the minds of people. In any case -
     Why are there two Executive Board meetings in the one month of November?
     Why is there never an announced and open scheduling of an Advisory committee meeting?
     Why does it always have to be word of mouth about that?
     Why are David Israel and Ed Black still holding "Broadband" meetings? What is going on there? And how, as we have already said no at the present time.
     Has David Israel read the long and wonderful evaluation by the NY Times about wireless and the many ways in which it can be put in place - or not - and its advantages - and disadvantages, its plusses and minuses, its success and failure? I have. Lots of discussion points.
     Is Don Foster David's secret child that he is now pushing for Crown Prince position? Are there no other people in this Village who can do any jobs? For example - Jean Dowling is already CAM material.
     Why has The Reporter turned into a propaganda rag or pennysaver throwaway - take your choice? And go knock on Vestal's door.
     Why has inclusion been thrown out the window?
     Why do so many of our so called representatives in UCO own so many apartments? How can we trust them to take care and watch out for the one unit owners?
     Why does UCO think it can suddenly approve or not of leases? If they want to do it right why can they not work a system with WPRF and know where the red zones are, which associations need help and then reach out to them?
     Why do we cede so much authority to WPRF and allow them to spend our money recklessly and without full disclosure?
     Why do we need a mural for $8,000 in the indoor pool?
     Why do we need a mural on the outside top of the hangover thingie in the Clubhouse lobby (you can see it from the stairs!!!)
     Why did WPRF take away handicapped spaces from us in order to beautify the parking lot (ostensibly for safety reasons but that is a crock).
     Why are we forever fixing the tennis and pickleball courts when there is a major water problem there? And why did we ever build those pickleball courts anyway?
     Why does David Israel think he has been anointed by the prophet (false one at that) Ed Black?
     Who died and appointed Ed Black in so many jobs and without being elected, even having been defeated in several runs.
     Why does an Advisory Committee never advise, only vote and why does David Israel vote on the committee as he is supposed to take the advise and think about it.
     Why do the same  people vote numerous times on the same issue - kind of a suspenders and belt approach - and to the detriment of the Village and democracy as well.
     Why do people, the same people, hold two, three, and even four or five positions between UCO and other Village positions?
     Why was the Security contract with Platinum negotiated WITHOUT a CAM present as required by law - and no, Don Foster was not a CAM, licensed and all at that point and indeed I do not know if he is yet. Is he?
     Why are we always getting contracts stuffed down our throats most inappropriately? No info, no details, no time to read and check and evaluate and then damages when things go to hell in a handbasket.
     Why can we not have a better UCO?
     Oops, on that one I can answer. WE can - just throw the current incumbents out, do not vote for them in the election or their henchmen and vote for Phyllis and other new candidates whoever they are, when they announce, if they are better for the Village. There is no slate other than the corrupt and tired one of David Israel or representative, when they announce. They will have their little palm cards and bring the dead out of retirement to vote, but there will be independents who owe no one and promise no one and nothing other than to serve the Village. Vote for them.

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