Thursday, October 22, 2015


     First I must state that the foliage here in Pittsburgh is amazing - golds and greens, reds and oranges and every shade possible. Stunning.
     Now back to the meat of the blog. And there is a first thing to state here as well. Though I certainly had foreign countries reading, I did not meet the 200 million membership of the web so I am afraid poor David was disappointed. Too bad.
     Anyway it seems that the more things change, the more they remain the same, or actually get worse. I have lost count of how many times we have called David Israel to task for hiding things, for a lack of transparency, for keeping secrets which inevitably are found out. Certainly the whole issue of the Wi Fi here in the Village was a perfect example of him going ahead, he and Ed Black, and working on a contract and ready to sign without asking for permission from the DA, another million dollar boondoggle. It was emphatically turned down and many associations turned to their own plans.
     Well, now the man who thinks it all revolves around him, and that all are out to get him, has decided that he must continue on this path and changed the name to Broadband and at the last meeting he had Comcast in to talk. They were speaking of extending the contract and changes to it at a cost of $54+ a month. Comcast handed David a sheaf of papers, flyers, that he was supposed to distribute to others in the Village. Instead he threw them into his folder and that was that. When asked about them he said this is what it is about and stated some details and enough was enough for him.
     Do we know if what he said was the truth? Why is he holding these papers? What is he afraid that we will see on them or understand from reading them? Has he even heard from all the new technological methods of wireless for the Village? There are so many gaps in this that one could drive a Saturn rocket right thru the holes.
     There are many people who have much to say and contribute on this topic and there is much to study. There should not even be discussion of implementation until the DA is totally read into the whole deal and not in 10 minutes either as they always try to do. But will this happen? And if you believe that, come to NY with me and I have a bridge and a tunnel to sell you.
     What does this man do other than taking off after people who disagree with him, who point out the errors of his ways and yet who have offered numerous times to work with him, with UCO, for the betterment of the Village. Is it that he truly does not care about the Village? You decide. Judge by his actions. Go on the website of the CV Messenger and see the video of the insurance club meeting, especially around 20 minutes in. It is truly an eye opener for those who need it.
     The other day he asked me if I know what the phrase "to create" means. That was very weird as it had no place in the conversation, but perhaps this is what he does all day in his office - he creates people to populate the committees as he puts it except that it is the same people over and over again that he populates committees with!! Look at the tapes of the meetings that he allows on and by the way, where is the Advisory meeting where David was slammed hard about and for his actions or lack thereof.
    We can go on and on with no shortage of things to say or point out. We have already made numerous suggestions and constantly point out the need for process and procedure for that eliminates lots of glitches. Yet he does not work with a process and only keeps saying that ridiculous phrase that if one does not follow process it is a dangerous slope. Well, Mr. Israel, you have slid way down on that slope and need a towbar to get back up. Better yet, stay there at the bottom and bow quietly out and let Phyllis come in and straighten out the mess that you have created. If that is what you think to create means then please, abstinence is the way to go for you and for all our sakes.
     People, how many more times must it be pointed out where David Israel has failed, where his best buddy has caused and added to the problems. How many more times are we going to see one after another of the volunteers thrown out until every committee consists of the same people, the officers and some few people that David tolerates. Over and over the officers vote on the same issue and it is a farce as why would anything change when it is the same people voting, desperate to keep their power, their little fiefdoms, all secure if and only if they obey the lord and master. This is not what UCO is supposed to be about and for sure this is not UCO serving the people.

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