Tuesday, October 20, 2015


     Remember when the novel Anatomy of a Murder was published? It became a solid best seller and was much discussed. Well, here we have the anatomy of a tyrant. And just who is the tyrant? David Israel.
     UCO was founded on the premise of volunteerism and inclusion. There was one motive that mattered - that of serving the Village, making a better life for its residents and towards that end all residents were encouraged to participate either by running for office or by volunteering their efforts and knowledge to UCO.
     Towards that end committees were formed as needed and seats filled. The by laws state the following:
                            ARTICLE VIII
1. The president, with the advice of and consent of the officers' Committee, shall create all standing and special committees and appoint the chairmen thereof....any unit owner in Century Village who is a member of UCO, may be selected to serve as a member of any committee.

Nowhere in the bylaws do we have the statement of David Israel that he sent to me and that he has used on countless people who displeased him, the tyrant of Century Village. Here are his twisted words.
Mrs. Esther Sutofsky,

It is with deep regret that I advise you that your appointment to the Insurance Committee is herewith reversed.

You are of course aware, that the President of UCO populates Committees. as clearly stated in the UCO Bylaws.

Ms. Salometo, Chair of the Insurance Committee, appointed you without prior consultation with, or consent of the President of UCO.
Dave Israel
United Civic Organization

      Once again this man has twisted the words of the bylaws, made up words and by laws and done whatever he has desired. So wrong!
     Tyrants are those who have no cojones, the cojones of which I wrote yesterday. They live in fear, trembling, in back rooms, surrounded by yesmen who live off of the benefits they achieve from this relationship. These tyrants are paranoid in the full sense of the word and its implications, and cause immeasurable harm to those over whom they rule.
     And yes, people, David Israel believes that he is the ruler of the Village. He ignores our bylaws such as the one which states that we conduct meetings according to Roberts Rules and openly disparages those very rules. He throws temper tantrums worthy of the worst two year old and throws them with the consequences of his position. He is a dangerous man in that he perverts all that is the essence of CVWPB.
     Several years ago I had enough of his nonsense up to that point and began to engage in threads of comments on the then working blog. Obviously he did not like it or other opinions and questions that were posed and eventually he shut the blog down and opened his own personal blog and BANNED his opponents from commenting thinking he could shut us down. But it was too late for that.
     Three years ago I decided that someone had to stand up and at the urging of several people I had never met before and with the support of many other residents, I ran for president simply to show this man that he was not alone out there able to do whatever the hell he wanted. My numbers, coming as a complete unknown and despite all undemocratic and unlawful and contradictory of the rules of democracy shutting down of all access to media, managed a respectable number of delegates and have continued to oppose this man and what he stands for, oppose this man for what he has done to the Village and what he plans to do in the few months he still has left in office.
     He has openly stated that "she will never get on any committee" - meaning me - and blocked all my attempts to volunteer despite the years of experience and expertise I have to share with CV. Finally, looking as if he found that he had half a worm left in his apple, circumstances led to my being appointed to the Executive Board.
     No sooner did that happen that suddenly there was a new revision of the by laws that meant that I would be unappointed. Anything to get me out and away from him. I simply pointed out that such an act had major consequences and many votes would have to be undone as their voters would have to be disqualified and thus their votes null and void. Oooops. he did not reckon with that.
     As a member of the Board I am to serve on at least two committees. Well, fat chance of that as not a single chair had the cojones to appoint me to their committee as they were under the threat of being fired from their little fiefdom. Aahhh, the pettiness of little people, the cowardice is amazing.
     Toni Salometo had the cojones to ask me to join her committee and I happily acquiesced and settled down to do the best job I could, taking assiduous notes and asking questions. Suddenly, yesterday, I was fired and here is Toni's answer to my question concerning her knowledge of this act.

I was not aware that David was going to fire you from the Insurance Committee. I was not a party to anything that took place today. 
If I had not wanted you on the Committee, I would not have asked you. Nor would I have thought to put you in this position.  
I apologize for what has happened, the decision was not mine. 
Toni Salometo 
     Very calmly, I ask all of you out there still sitting on your thumbs, nicely rotating on the spit until  David Israel thinks you are done - is this what you want? Is this what you will tolerate? Have all of you out there lost your cojones, lost your sense of right and wrong, lost your ability to stand up to tyrants, lost all interest in keeping our home viable?
     He rants and raves about court and suits but where does this man get off doing what he does? He leaves suits and legal action as the only way to go, does he not? Talk about wasting the resources of UCO! Just who, exactly, brings all these suits down upon UCO and David Israel if nought but Himself, the Lord of the Village. It is time for this man to go, to take his mental illness and leave, to take his paranoia, his megalomania, his quest to emulate all the tyrants of history right here in our small piece of the Earth. And we are allowing this by standing quietly by as he rends our by laws into meaningless shreds of paper, as he twists all to his benefit and makes up whole lies in an instance - and why BECAUSE WE HAVE LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT AND EVEN ENCOURAGED HIM BY OUR SILENCE.
      I will be just fine. The question is - will the Village. I think not. Stand up and roar at his actions. Stand up and become a delegate and by the way after all my postings about the irregularities of the elections guess what? There is a proposed hiring of Honest Ballot Association to run our elections at a cost of close to $7.000.

     Mr. David B. Israel President United Civic Organization, Inc. Of Century Village 2102 West Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Via email: nsasigint@comcast.net
Dear Mr. Israel:
October 15,2015
The Honest Ballot Association (HBA) is pleased to have the opportunity to work with United Civic Organization, Inc. of Century Village. With over 100 years' experience managing elections, HBA is uniquely qualified to oversee the election of your board of directors. HBA will be available to manage your election in March of2016. Additionally, HBA will share the details and activities that are needed to guide your election to a fair result.
The attached proposal describes the necessary steps to ensure that your election is executed in an impartial and honest manner. The proposal lists the procedures for the election; it allows for the addition of specific meeting dates when they are determined. Will you please review the proposal, and call me if you have any questions.
Will you please have an authorized officer sign the proposal and return it to me via email: honestballot@aol.com or via fax at (718) 279-0873. Your election date will be reserved when we receive your deposit check. To get started, we will need: 1.) a copy of the voting section of your bylaws, and 2.) Your delegates roster in excel format.
Thank you. I am looking forward to working with you.
Very Truly Yours,
L~G~ Linda Gibbs President

     Don't get me wrong. This is a step in the right direction but done the wrong way, as usual, tacked on to the back end of an IFI reportedly detailing and picturing reports from the "CAM". Did he think no one would look that far? Where is mention or presentation of this to the DA? This man thinks he can do anything all by himself and with his buddy, Ed Black. We need to show him he is wrong, oh so wrong.

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