Sunday, October 25, 2015


     Early in the AM and no little ones around so can write for a bit. Gotta tell ya, getting down on the floor - and then getting up when the game is over is hard work!!
     Anyway, had the chance to peek at the blogs out there and have some observations and questions. There is a curious sense of what the ..... on one of them and a bunch of questions that have newly arisen and demand answers - if they can or will be given. In any case, 200 million people will be reading this, right David, and wonder how they will view your hypocrisy, your attempted bullying and intimidation, your paranoia and egotism, your personal overbearing hate that you direct at me and others. 200 million readers. Is that correct, dear David? Your statement, your figure, your megalomania and your time to get the heck out of Dodge in the form of UCO.

1. Why was such a large pdf file put on way, way AFTER the event and the contract long ago signed?
2. This posting is as useful as three armpits so what was the meaning or purpose of this action? Lanny Howe states in his typical fatuous manner, "Never before Dave Israel in the history of UCO would so much detail have been made available to those wanting to see it." Useless detail, Lanny, at this time.
3. Was it to portray the once again supposed martyrdom of Ed Black, the non elected person who seems to have no problem spending our funds and deciding how they will continue to be spent? He appears to be reading too many jihadi stories.
4. Why were there so many companies to be read thru and interviewed? A careful perusing of the RFP responses should and would have winnowed this list down to a maximum of 3 - 5 companies. This merely points out or highlights the lack of process, procedure and knowledge of the current UCO officers in dealing with million dollar plus contracts.
5.How could David possibly think that anyone other than his maximally blinded sycophants could watch the video of the Insurance committee and have any lingering doubts as to his massive and growing paranoia, incompetence and infantile behavior?
6. How could anyone watch this and not be turned off by the governing of his brain by his emotions, the virulent hatred he has for any opponent, particularly one who has a working brain and trounces his every word every time?
7. How could he possibly be re-elected, he or his stand-in, whomever it might be and heaven forfend it be Ed Black!
8. How could anyone not notice his mental deterioration, his inability to be any type of leader other than a bad one at the present point?
And now some answers:
1. We need to be quit of him.
2.We need to install a leader with common sense, with a heart, yet with toughness when necessary.
3. We need a new president who knows the ropes, who has both personal and UCO experience in contracts.
4. We need one who has demonstrated either in personal or UCO experience the ability to use process and procedure in a consistent and logical manner.
5.We need a person who does not work in the midst of hate and animosity.
6. We need a person open to the advice and ideas of ALL, who will admit to needing help or possibly making an error.
7. We need a person who wants the position to serve the people, not to serve oneself.
8. We need a person who has a sense of personal self worth and style, of dignity, of grown up mien.
9.We need a person who is confident and who does not need a coterie of yesmen and sycophants surrounding him/her at all times.
10.We need a change!
     Phyllis Richland is that necessary change. Under her aegis I believe we can begin to   -straighten out the mess we have here,
 - remedy the unequal and unbalanced relationship with WPRF,
-correct the poor financial accounting and planning, the manner and method by which we are to amass sufficient funds to redo our roads the right way, the way they should have been done the first time around,
- plan properly for the future,
- work with the associations in a proactive and cooperative manner so as to avoid Sheffield O and Windsor issues,
- set up a transparent administration,
- work for and achieve a more democratic and fair manner of elections and do it openly - not as David is supposedly trying to do now with Honest Ballot Company without informing the delegates,
- keep power in the hands of the people, not a teeny tiny group of people who run the joint!
- vary the people in UCO so as to have diversity.
The list can go on and on, but the point is clear - he and his buddies have got to go, even as their group seems to dwindle as more and more people are turned off by the truth and turned off by his nastiness and incompetence. Whatever he did in the past, if anything, that time is long gone, long, long, gone. Time to change. Time to rearrange.

Flying again tomorrow in the early AM so will post later on.

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