Thursday, October 29, 2015


     I wonder just exactly what is the matter with us, the people of this planet. I wonder if we actually think ahead, wonder just where it is that we are going and what we are doing in our journey thru life. For sure last night's debate of Republican candidates was a prime example of the low level to which we have fallen.

     I wonder if we here in the Village understand the ramifications of the actions of the David Israel camp. He continues to hold Broadband (Wi Fi) meetings and then afterwards holds another meeting with one of the companies, CSI, with whom, it is said, he is ready to sign a contract!!He ignores all the costs, the training and education of our residents for anything of this scale and the absolute NON NECESSITY of these plans.

     We allow our money to be frivolously spent, disappear down black holes that we so generously allot to WPRF as they use OUR money to spiff up THEIR property and should we attempt to buy that property, why we will be told that it is so enhanced that the cost will be very high - paying twice for and with our own funds. We continuously waste money on foolish things like night lighting where not needed, on poor contractors who cause us to fix their mess, on constant "beautification" at the Clubhouse, and yet our fences are going to wrack and ruin, our Security is at constant inferior levels, never living up to its promises though it is always "the best contract ever" - just ask Ed Black about that, and our roads - well, you all know about that. And then of course, we have our faux administration with its fake and broken promises to the residents, with its dictatorial powers and behavior, ignoring of the bylaws, restricted to the "privileged" few and governed by hate and emotions. So, again, I ask - where are we going and what are we doing?
     And back to the world at large.
     Iran. A dangerous country ruled by people who are basically insane, filled with religiously induced fantasies and behaviorisms, an existential threat not only to Israel, but to other Mid-East countries and to the USA. And yet we sign a treaty with it that we know and admit they will violate, that they admit, will soon unfreeze billions of their dollars even as they are found guilty and liable in court of supporting terrorism and are told to pay the victims of these terrorist acts. Cherry on top? They are asked to join in the talks about Syria even as they attack it and other countries. Nothing like asking the robber just what it is he wants to find in your home!
     We have Russia under Putin who is a dictator par excellence, invading countries all over the world, be it the Ukraine, Syria, trucking in Iranian arms into Syria and bombing away even as the rest of the world is still debating what to do, even as his country is going though economic hard times. As for the USA - why we are contemplating sending in bits and pieces of our armed forces to all these different countries so that we will not have a two front war as we did - and still do - with Iraq and Afghanistan, but will add in other countries as they pop up or sneak in. We continue to be the bulk of the UN and NATO forces in most cases and yet are cursed even as we are called in. What are we doing? Where are we headed? I doubt anyone knows and certainly not our "leaders".

     Israel is scolded and condemned by countries for killing those who have stabbed their citizens. Tsk, tsk, of course they are wrong for how dare they allow their citizens to fall on knives and get these poor Palestinians, innocent Palestinians, in trouble. After all, the blood dripping hands only allegedly stabbed these people. Where is the world when a 4 year old Israeli child, a little girl, is set on fire in front of her parents and siblings? Is it only the Arab child that garners sympathy? Why? It is wrong on both sides. Why is Israel called to task even as the social media is filled with videos detailing how to kill Jews, how to stab, blow up, knife, shoot, torture, gas and use any manner to kill, when little children are taught to kill.

     Nelson Mandela once said that the key to understanding or having insight into a society and its values, its psyche, is to look at how they treat their children. Why is it okay for the Arabs to raise their children on religious hatred and plans to kill? For make no mistake about this - this is not about land or Jerusalem or settlements- it is religious warfare and when there was no state in 1929 in Hebron and when land was unilaterally returned as in Gaza and when there were no settlements - there was still the killing. There was still no peace. Why? Because the Jews are supposed to die.
     And this vicious and on the rise anti - Semitism is virulent and growing with 10.000 French Jews expected to immigrate to Israel this year where they will feel welcome. Today, the Palestinian community in Chile is trying to carry the war into that country and succeeding with a rise in anti Semitism there. And in the meanwhile the intelligence agencies of the countries are warning us that thousands upon thousands of these unattached young men arriving into the countries of Europe from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. are filled with anti - Semitic and violent thoughts and are only growing angrier and more demanding as every day passes and they are not receiving what they feel is their right! - a home, a job, food, clothing and even burn that which is provided by struggling countries whose own citizens are struggling to survive in tough times. The migrant families themselves are frightened of these men. So what are we doing? Where are we going?
     And how about here in our own country where Arizona has a "wonderful" law that states that families can only tap into welfare for a MAXIMUM of 12 months lifetime and after that - well, I guess just die or starve or somehow get thru the day and don't look too closely at their starving children. And there are other states with similar thoughts. Where are our heads here? What are we doing? Where are we going? Is this going to be Darwinism at its worst?

     Somehow, somewhere, our values were skewed off course, off the right path. We have obscene wealth next to obscene poverty. We have landlords squeezing and threatening the current tenants even as they plan their conversion to costly condos for the fat cats. We have people stuffing themselves on oh such prettily presented plates of food even as kids are going hungry, as Appalachia remains neglected, hungry, sick and uneducated, poverty stricken with  no economic relief insight. And do not forget our Rust Belt.

     Where are we going? What are we doing? I haven't a clue, only the despair and the wondering as I look at the candidates who are supposed to be leading us in a perilous time and I feel even more distraught than before. I will do my best to choose the best but is that best enough? I have deep doubts about that and as for here, our Village, well, I will do my best here as well, to try to help us get back on track and make those who have selfish reasons for being in UCO understand that the best part of a person is the part that actually helps others and gains satisfaction from that and not from power and the exercising of that power!
     Maybe we can all figure out just where it is that we are going and exactly what it is that we are doing and why. If not for us, then for our kids and grandkids for it is to them that we are leaving this world.

PS. Credit given where credit due. Yesterday Don Foster came to my apt. asking if I knew whose little tape recorder he was holding. I gave some name possibilities and thanked him for his concern. This morning, just now, we received a phone call and visit from Don returning the recorder to my husband who never told me it had been lost. So thank you, Don. Well done.

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