Sunday, June 14, 2015


     "What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now on I can no longer believe you. " Nietzche
     As a mother, as a teacher, and as a member of society, I have tried to demonstrate and to teach that telling lies is not a good idea and that they are found out, one way or the other, and then comes the deluge - the deluge of disappointment, of error, of damage and of a necessary disbelief forever of the liar.
     Well, folks, this is the situation we have here in the Village. For years there have been people telling lies and they were very good at it too. There were people who believed those lies because they could not see the forest for the trees and there were people who saw these lies and shouted to the heavens but were spurned. Well, today the situation is otherwise. Today the liars are on the defense, caught with their pants down, or rather, afire. Their lies have been outed as their consequences have arisen to the surface more and more.
     No, the roads are fine and we have 30 years in them.
     No, the roads are fine but we have to fix a few areas.
     No, the perimeter walkways are fine but we have to do thousands of dollars in repairs in some areas.
     No, all is fine, but we have only 15 years and need to get $2 million a year to pay for it.
     No, the roads are not fine, we have from 8 1/2 to possibly ten years to amass money for it.
     Well! Any other lies?
     We are in a fine situation here in the Village. All is well with the budget and the infrastructure.
     Well, our irrigation system is failing and requires hundreds of thousands to fix.
     Well, our fences along Haverhill are ok- as long as the vegetation keeps holding them in place.
     Well, we have no problems of security here in the Village - if you do not count all the robberies over there in the back and the motel business and transients and oh, of course, the homeless moving in.
     Well, we have the money being saved - but it is all being put into one mish mash fund, no designated funds so we can keep you guessing.
     Oh, we are on top of everything - so now, folks, please go back and reread from the top.
     We know what we have to do - so of course we are still pursuing nonsense and wasteful spending in the form of broadband and moving and creating signs for Okeechobee. Never mind how much it will cost - from 100,000 to millions. We want it.
     These people now have as their goal not the good of the Village, not the welfare of the Village but the maintenance of themselves in office, in positions of heading little fiefdoms, of spending money that is not theirs to spend, of sloppy work habits, of lack of professionalism, of lack of knowing when they need help and most of all, being inveterate and inevitable liars. They just cannot help themselves and deny the truth even as it rises up and slaps them in the face.
     And their response? Well, several were quite upset about my previous posting AND SO IT CAME TO PASS. As usual, one was just the result of a blithering idiot so we will ignore that one, but one, in particular, came from that old favorite  er Ed and I quote and we will parse it immediately and ask you again, think, why are these people allowed to remain in office or be appointed to positions of power and control over our lives, our funds, our very existence?
     "You silly slob. If you or your creep husband were so unhappy, you would get your cheap ass back to NY. You are the disgusting reason people don't like CV, you troll."
     So, to parse. First, there is nothing of any value in here - no suggestions, no ideas, no refutations of claims I have made.
     Second, the remarks are personal, meant to hurt and intimidate - failure number two.
     So, the lies. I am neither silly nor a slob. True, I am not a neatnik and can be silly with my grandchildren, but I believe that there is no connection with my behavior here in the Village. Failure again.
    Hate to tell you this, Mr. Fred/Ed, but my "creep" husband would probably win a Mr. Nice Guy contest here in the Village and anywhere else we have lived so oh, dear, failure again and actually, what the hell does he have to do with this. Maybe in your marriage your wife cannot think independently, but in mine, we are respecting and respectful of each other, so again - failure, a stupid one at that. 
     "cheap ass". Hmmm. Interesting. Perhaps you were looking in the mirror and saw your face and mistakenly wrote about it in your supposed slam? Or perhaps you were trolling deep into your psyche and came up with that old but tried and true anti - Semitic canard about Jews being cheap. Hmm again. Gee, I wonder whose money goes to support artistic and cultural foundations , special funds and organizations to help worldwide, etc., etc., etc. so oops, majorly wrong again and a true insight for people to see into your nasty soul.
   People do not like CV because of me? You are indeed a lackey and fool.
   -Of course the lack of proper roads and walkways,
   -deteriorating pool conditions,
   -deteriorating lakes and waterways,
   -lack of freedom of speech and press,
   -a paper called The Rag which does well in ads but not in much else unless you like recipes and biased writing,
    -an administration which is known as a do nothing or do harm one,
   -where they cause super heads of a radio to resign due to principles and the attempts to stifle them and free speech, 
    -An administration which abandons associations that need help because they are too busy with their own desires, so we fall into motels and homeless.
   And the list can go on and on. Terrible situation at the gates which still line up to the street - even in the summer! With sneaky camera placements because gee, people just love having no privacy, don't they.
     And of course, you call me a troll. Really? Or were you just looking at your boss?
     So we have parsed and have found you severely lacking in sense and truth - as usual, no surprise. Lies, lies and lies again - so why would anyone believe you even should a word of truth come out of your  mouths and why should anyone support you or want you to remain in office?
     The honorable thing here to do would be for the lot of you to resign. If not, we will just get term limits returned as it always was and get you gone that way. Out of dual positions. Out of power. Out of commission.

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