Tuesday, June 16, 2015


     Immanuel Kant, the philosopher said, ""ought implies can" thus setting up one of his great philosophical principles. Simply put, it means that if one should do something, then he can do it. Should implies that it is a positive thing or idea or project. It does not take away from the fact that it might be difficult to achieve, but it does give a person impetus to at least try, and try hard. (Whew! Shades of Philosophy 101 in college. Hated that class!).
     It also implies that there are restrictions on what should and can be done and that, I believe, is a good part of the problem here in the Village. There are too many people who have inserted themselves into situations wherein they have reversed the principle, making it "can implies ought and ought implies should". That gives rise to poor thinking or lack of thinking ahead and bad or evil consequences for many.
     Just think of the can so ought theory of philosophy. I can push Wi Fi - so I will, never mind the millions it would cost.
I can push broadband - despite the lack of necessity and the cost. I can keep pushing the big unnecessary sign for Okeechobee entrance - despite the ridiculous cost and its lack of necessity. I can keep defending poor contracts, so I will - despite the truth poking its head out of the slime in which we tried to bury it. Ditto for the road paving situation!
     And the lies go on and on. One of my favorite ones is now on the second blog, ostensibly that belonging to Elaine Brown - HA! It reminds us that UCO is our "best friend", shows a picture of two Sesame pals or Muppet pals and then tells us it is Best Friends Day and come to volunteer. Pat Sealander, in an emailing from David Israel pleads for volunteers for the Clubhouse and gives the hours needed.
     So when should we laugh - or cry. Elaine's posting is an insult to our intelligence. What? Are we children to use PR for a child's mentality and a really young and simple child at that? And as for Pat, what a joke. Wonder what excuse she would make this time around if I called. Will she either ignore it, as her master has done, swear against me, as her master has done, double check with her master before doing the above, make a feeble excuse as Barbara Cornish has done and then vanish off into the "nacht und nebel"of the UCO building and philosophy? The point is - they lie and lie and lie again. I do not believe they can help themselves at this point.
     Another thought I had today was the question of friendships. A boxer, Willie Pep, said, "The first things to go are your legs. Then it's your reflexes. And then it's your friends." People like to be near others who have shown signs of success, can wield power, and become hanger-ons. That is the UCO we have now, but it is also the UCO that is wavering, losing its legs and reflexes and the rats are beginning to desert the ship. Success breeds people and failure breeds loss of people. Who will continue to hang around when David Israel and Ed Black meet failure after failure, when lie after lie rises up to slap them in the face, when the electorate finally says, "enough is enough" and votes him out, defeats his propositions soundly and roundly.
     It has already begun and will continue. The wave cannot be stopped, the CV Messenger continues to grow and the hard questions being asked are becoming harder and harder to avoid. The issues we face are becoming life threatening.So perhaps we can go back to the original principle that began this posting. "Ought implies can" - and can implies should in its understanding. So.....one ought to resign, can resign and should resign. Or at least own up.
    And now, off we go, into the wild blue yonder..... off to graduation of grandson #2. Will continue to write and will be back here quite soon. Congrats to all of us here in the Village who have been enjoying the graduations of our grandchildren - from nursery to post grad and may we continue to "shep nachas" - get enjoyment and pride - until way into the future.

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