Wednesday, June 17, 2015


     Last nite was an inspiration, a signal of hope, a beacon of light in an increasingly dark and troubled world. 46 young men and women, all seniors, graduates and graduating, were gathered for a different graduation ceremony, one where they were awarded diplomas from a two year intense program wherein they learned how to conduct themselves on campus, how to answer those of the BDS and anti Semitic movements, how to use words and internal strength, how to motivate the apathetic, how to take part in the mitzvah of Tikkun Olam, the repair of the world.
     These kids were all Jews, from secular to Modern Orthodox, all friends, united by their pride in being a Jew, in their passionate love of Israel, in their ability to add to their already huge load of responsibilities as student leaders with heavy programs of studies. And one of them is my grandson #2 who followed in the path of his older brother but who definitely is leaving his own footprints.
     Zachi is his own unique self and style. He loves bowties and funny socks. He has a huge heart, with room in it for the Friendship Circle and for being a medical clown. He has strong shoulders to take on a dual program, AP courses, editorships at his newspaper and yearbook, and still be a wonderful son, a great brother, an empathetic friend and the sweetest grandchild one could wish for.
     Zach, knowing his grandmother and the little mischievous imp that lives inside her, knowing that a special young lady was also graduating from this program, told me that I had to behave. I did - for the most part, but a person has to have some fun, don't they? But his young lady and her family were warm and delightful and played along. Poor Zachi!
     All these kids were off to various campuses, to Israel for a year of study, or off to the IDF to help defend and serve the State of Israel. There was a speaker last nite, one of several, who broke the audience down to tears and then received a standing ovation, though it did not bring her son back. Her son, Michael Levine, was a "lone" soldier in IDF, meaning that his family did not live there. He was the first paratrooper killed in the war in Lebanon as Israel tried to retrieve two kidnapped soldiers, and the only American Israeli lone soldier killed in action. His grave now stands as a message of inspiration to thousands of people and at Mt. Herzl Military Cemetery his grave is the most visited after Rabin's, and is covered with rocks, stones, shirts, brigade badges, anything and everything that sends a message that someone was there. He is considered to be a unique individual, one among many, actually, and the story of his life has inspired young Israelis and Americans alike.
     There are good people in this world. There is hope for the future. These kids remind me of the generation that went out and shouted down a war, that thought they, too, could and would change the world. Well, it did, to a certain extent, but unfortunately got lost somewhere in a fog of drugs and excess. I do not believe these kids will do that. Their hearts are clear, their passion for justice strong and their determination second to none. They are fiercely bright and intelligent and I am so proud that my Zach stands among them.
     And now for a sad comment. I have no problem with constructive criticism. I have no problem with opposition. But I do have a problem with people who answer nastily for no reason, who make their insults personal using foul language and attacking in an extremely vituperative manner. They attack family members, even unto writing vile things about my grandchildren. This, I do not understand nor accept and er Ed, who acknowledged his identity, proud of it and his nasty writing wrote this to me yesterday. Read it and think. You out there that support this man and his friends, his buddy, you that think that these people are normal - think again. Could a person like this actually have your benefit at heart? Have the best in mind for you? Or is this person a truly sick individual needing help big time and ASAP, STAT or whatever term you wish to use. This is a person(s) whose heart is black with evil, whose soul has gone into hiding, whose humanity has long ago gone missing. It is sad, so very sad. And pathetic, so pathetic.
     Read and judge for yourself.

"Ah the shit for brains slob is off to visit one of her goonish relatives graduating from a reform school somewhere. Can't stand the heat here honey?"

And the purpose of this? Only to try to hurt. Well, it failed and will always fail. You see, I am secure in myself and my value and certainly in the value and worth of my family and friends. So sorry that you are lacking in both and in that surety. Pathetic, truly pathetic, but if you wish to reveal yourselves to others, far be it from me to stand in your way. Let your ugliness be paraded for all to see. All this is, is kindergarten bully schoolyard mentality residing in an ugly manner in a purportedly grown man. Fie! Shame on you. Go stand in the corner!

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