Thursday, June 18, 2015


     And there it is again. The front page of the paper just boils over with stories of hate and its consequences. A hate shooting in South Carolina. Thought we were done and finished with church shootings in the South? Then the UN comes out with a figure of 60 million people fleeing lands where hate is the ruling note and any tiny difference means that you are dead, and most probably your family along with you and in a gruesome manner to boot.
     Why is this happening? In a world where hate has destroyed so much thru the centuries and in the recent past as well as the here and now, why have we not learned a thing? Why can the world rush in to help Nepal or Haiti or a tsunami struck land or even in the natural disasters in our own country, yet hold the hate still so close?
     Why? I believe it is because we are following the wrong leaders and allowing those wrong leaders, either by their own hate filled agenda or by their weakness as leaders, to have a void in the web of the world. We either believe in the wrong leaders or we do not believe in the weak one and then the masses are left to fall to the lowest common denominator and thus we have the shootings, beheadings, and the list goes on and on.
     Our international leaders rush like chickens from one crisis to another, solving nothing, only creating panic and hand wringing. Nationalistic concerns overwhelm the needs of the world in general and society is rife with unrest. Thus we have the melding of the ultra right wing parties of Europe and a huge shudder goes thru me. The Jobbik party of Hungary, the Golden Dawn of Greece, offshoots from KIP in Britain, and more and more, led by Marie Le Pen who says she has foresworn her father's beliefs, but, a great big but!
Actions appear to speak louder than words. All Jews, all liberal tending people, all dissidents had better watch out.
     Then we have the jihadists, Moslem extremists who would rule the world in a revived seventh century caliphate and slaughter any and all who stand in their way, including members of their own faith, if they do not worship and believe exactly the same way. No room for differences here and we all know what is planned for the infidels. Those Moslems who differ in this use of violence and mayhem must speak up for otherwise, no matter their numbers, they are irrelevant.
     Our national leaders fall into the same weak and irrelevant categories. At least they do not push hate or killing, but where is their strength to guide, to lead, to make a  better society? The  presidential race has become a joke. Trump? Nuff said on that.
 Rubio? He can't organize his own finances so how do we trust him with others, let alone his lack of foreign policy experience. Sanders? C'mon. He might be a loving grandfatherly figure, but is that enough? Clinton redux? Rand Paul? Please, Ayn Rand is so over! Carly Fiorini? Where is her experience in dealing with leaders of the world? At this point I might as well throw my hat in the ring as qualifications do not seem to matter, only wishes.
    Our current leader is weak, and like the teacher who makes a threat and then does not or cannot carry it out, no one believes any more. In fact, at this point, sinister beliefs about him are abundant and even I believe at this point that the man is missing a large piece of his backbone and his feelings about Jews and Israel are dangerous, to say the least. Personally, he can hold whatever beliefs and prejudices he wants, but publically he must do what is best for the country and he does not. Nixon hated Jews yet knew that Israel was our ally and acted accordingly in 1973.
    So when we have no leaders, or poor leaders, or bad hearted leaders, the dregs of society rise to the surface of society and then we have a hate embroiled world, country and neighborhood for make no mistake about it, most of our problems here in CV have arisen or grown to such proportions because our "leader(s)" is/are bad for us. There is no expertise at finances yet they control literally millions of dollars. There is no contract experience, yet they keep on signing contracts without proper review and adjustments. They refuse to hire the experts we need at the time of need, yet rush right in to disasters that cost us millions. They refuse to acknowledge that priorities must be in place, but refuse to do anything until it is in crisis mode. 
     This lack of expertise, of knowledge needed, of people skills, of process and procedure, of violation of the rights of all Americans, their refusal to acknowledge the necessity of an inclusive administration has brought us to perhaps the lowest point we have ever reached. Yet on they continue.
     Suddenly they know what to do about the housing situation. Here, in reality, they are following the lead of the reformers, of the opponents, for we were on top of this issue way before UCO and even had an entire packet put out, not only about this housing situation and how to remedy and best of all, prevent, but also about the necessity of filling out the proper HUD papers for senior housing, 55+. Then, along came Jones, late, as usual, and stuttering about how they care, but really cannot do anything, but not to worry, they will spend our money unnecessarily, on more lawyer fees, even though we already have that information and the forms and guidelines out there already.
     All this leads to frustration that grows worse. It is difficult to see one's home and community driven into the ground by one who is incompetent and his incompetent followers and minions. It is hard to remain calm when personal insults without rhyme or reason are sent out, when threats are made to physical safety, to life and limb, when extraneous family members are brought in to be insulted and damned.  (And yes, Gracie, I have said you are an idiot, but Lordie, Lordie, what else can I do when you keep making those ridiculous and repetitive statements? But maybe I will just ignore you. Much better idea.) This is what comes of poor leadership and yes, folks, it is right here, not in River City, but in CVWPB and we must rid ourselves of it. The feelings are growing deeper and deeper as the situation worsens. Hate, here in the Village? Very well could be and as the other side has already made threats to physical safety, then perhaps there is even more need to be watchful and wary.
     Time for them to go - for all our sakes, for the sake of the Village, for the sake of sanity and good government, for a small spot of peace and refuge in a roiling world. Term limits, limits on offices being held in multiplicity, process and procedure, proper contracts, expertise where needed and the list goes on. Following the leaders - not here, folks, please.

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