Friday, June 19, 2015


     When I look back at the history of the dissent, the growing dissent, of CV, and at the energy expended in bringing issues to the surface, at the money that has been spent and will continue to be spent without taking any money from UCO or from shady people, at the thinking that has gone into this - I wonder at the shame and the waste of all this time, money and energy, all the bad vibes, the loss of brainpower to the Village. Why did all this have to happen to get to where we are now.
     And where are we now? We are at the point where more and more people, everyday, are realizing that they have been living under a growing dictatorship, an attempt to establish and maintain an Imperial Presidency that was doomed to failure, but will cost us much in many ways till we can get it gone.
     The CV Messenger began as a two or three page newsletter, poor copying, few articles, but look at it now. Today that paper is taking calls from people within the Village and without, those who have left for a few months and want it mailed and those who are here and want it left for them on their doorknobs, (please note that the doorknob thieves gang may still be around so check with Phyllis S. on that.),because this Messenger writes the truth and will allow any and all to post well written articles without hate messages, only truth and proof. It welcomes the participation of residents of the Village and just note how many people are writing on a regular basis.
      And why is this so? Simple indeed. The people now recognize that the Rag that is supposed to inform them in a non partisan manner, that is supposed to accept articles from residents without blocking and censorship, that is supposed to be a newspaper, not an advertising giveaway with hired people being brought on at the expense of the paper and ultimately of the Villagers.
     And again, why? Because the ostensible leadership of the Village and major Village organs outside , or supposedly so, of UCO are rotten, rotten to the core. There is an incestuous set of relationships in UCO. Membership  rosters of the committees are blazingly boring as the same names appear over and over again and meanwhile, the cries and pleas for  volunteers go on and on even as these volunteers are rejected unless knowingly loyal to the current UCO administration. David Israel appoints Joy Vestal co-editor of  The Rag even as she is VP in UCO and in addition, members of UCO either on the Executive Board or even officers of UCO have been absentee from crucial meetings at a larger rate than ever.
     This is why all this energy has been expended in getting rid of these wastes of UCO people and their twisted ideas of what makes a proper village administration and meanwhile those within UCO who have not been tossed out but know the truth, are struggling and are getting smeared along with the rotten apples, but their time to shine will come too, even as the opposition begins to triumph. And make no mistake about it, we have already had major victories and will continue but how much better would it have been, will it be, when all this brain power, all this good will for the Village, will be allowed to finally do what it can for the Village.
     The timing? That is up to you and your delegates. Make sure you are active in your association. Ask hard questions. Make sure the Board is aware of the CV Messenger and the information it dispenses to the Villagers. Elect honest and thinking delegates who will vote as the association wishes it to, not as some of Israel's delegates who say openly -"I do not care what they want, I will vote how I want." Push for term limits. Push for volunteer growth. Push for limitations on people holding more than one village wide job or position. Demand a UCO that is responsive and responsible to the people of the Village and not just for itself.
     We have come a long way, but there is still more to go. It must be done with your help- for your benefit. Join in and let us remake our Village, get the investors out who care not a whit for our home, forbid business within the Village that uses units as business units, vet your prospective owners and renters very carefully and make sure your by laws will protect you. Jean Dowling has a wonderful packet out about that, way before UCO decided to move their rears on this and who are still telling all to wait till they finish spending more of our money on unnecessary fees when the information is here, has been here, for months already.
      Boker Tov! Good  morning! Let us all wake up to a new and better day and future. 

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