Wednesday, June 10, 2015


     Thought I could leave this topic alone for a while, thought the message had gotten thru and yet here we are again with a person requesting information from David Israel yet, the person who is so tied up in his version of Wi Fi that I believe his manhood is at risk if he does not get his way or at the very least his ego.
     I said it before and will say it again. Village Wi Fi, by any name is a waste of time, MONEY and effort. The other options that  are available are just fine and probably safer to use and more tailored to one's needs and desires. We personally live in an association that has many people not interested in Wi Fi in the building and we are in no way going to force them and those of us that have individual accounts with whatever company WE CHOSE are quite happy. We have the best Comcast that can be had and use quite a few of the possibilities that can be used and have never had a problem. In fact, Comcast is much better than it has been in the past.
     The associations that have had the building wired are also quite pleased and let us look at the contrast - the CV in Boca had a village wide program and QUIT because it was horrific. So what are we doing or better yet, what is David Israel doing? Why is he so hot on this topic? What will he personally gain from this - and the answer(s) are yours to choose.
     And if he now calls it by broadband initiative or whatever term he wakes up with, it is the same garbage all over again. There is already broadband in the Village. I have it and so does anyone else. It does not have to be first imported here as David tries to maintain. Nor do we have to wait to "grab the power of the global internet" as he pompously puts on his blog - with his initiative. If you are connected, you are connected. Period. End of discussion. The Internet is the Internet.
     Now let us look at the negative aspects of a village wide program. The larger the program, the more victims waiting to be picked off by the hackers and thieves that roam the Internet 24/7. Seniors are not as knowledgeable about protecting themselves on the net, on email, etc. and if the black hatters think they can get more people via hacking into a larger network, then by golly, they will do that. Think of them salivating as they view a CV network. We would be open to vicious people with the skills to hack, to use worms and viruses, to tunnel, to reverse engineer, etc. Trust me - if it is there, they know it. And will use it! And do not let him tell you he is the be all and end all of the computer world. He is long out of that world and anyone can read and pick up on what is happening. I have done so and so can and have many others.
     We here in the Village are already in crisis mode financially speaking. We have huge physical issues here in the Village. We have a do nothing and selfish UCO administration that picks and chooses what it wants to do. It cannot help associations that are ripe for the picking with some advice and handholding, they can accept checks from a man who wishes to destroy us and our way of life - yet, they have time to enforce and impose a choice not of our own making on us because they want it . NO WAY!!!
     I just walked into the house after flying back from Chicago and read some of the stuff on line and had to write this. Now I will unpack. Please think about what we have been saying on the blog and I hope someone gets hold of this questioner and explains the facts of life to her, not as seen thru the eyes of a forked tongue speaker, but thru the eyes and mouths of people who are out to help the Villagers.

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