Thursday, June 11, 2015


     Did you ever wonder what G-d was thinking when He made humankind? What thoughts were in His head when humankind was given everything they could possibly desire - and yet needed more, always more. And nothing has changed since then, has it? No one ever seems satisfied with the blessings they have and hands are out, grasping for that one or two or three items that seem to have eluded the grasp.
     It is lucky that we do have those who have an unselfish gene, willing to put themselves out for the sake of others, those who worried about children in factories, about children going hungry - right here in the good old USA, about equal rights for all, and what a long way we still have to go on that particular topic, and other ills of society. They tackle these jobs with enthusiasm and perpetual hope that right will win.
     But look at how much veniality we have in this world. Look at the supposed leaders of the world, of the biggest, most powerful countries who are even meeting as we speak, and see how they cannot agree on any important item. So in order to prove a point, people in Greece are still cut loose and no one seems to have an answer to the woes of Greece - or the woes, indeed, of any country that is not their own.
     Look at the leaders of so many of the countries of the world, particularly at those struggling countries of the Third World who are supplying the world with so many of the essential natural resources, yet whose leaders seem to manage to mismanage it all and somehow the wealth of the country funnels into private accounts. Look at the leaders and politicians of the Western world and just count the tenpins as they go down one by one for embezzlement and fraud, for nasty deeds, for immoral behavior and the list goes on. Look at other leaders and wonder how they can be in such a position, afflicted with megalomania such as Putin, et al.
     Once we thought we were advancing into a golden world where the rights of all were to be respected, but somewhere along the road something happened. Yes, rights for the LGBTQ community have improved and hopefully we will not see the viciousness of the past return, but I ask you, did you ever wonder what happened to the rights of women? Why is rape used as a weapon of war? Why are young girls still bartered and sold? Why are girls denied education? Why are women being forced by growing numbers of fundamentalist sects to beshroud themselves, remain out of contact with the world, not allowed to drive, not allowed to maintain human contact? And this goes for all religions of the world in their fundamentalist forms.
     Why are women being told here,  in America, that men know better what is good for them and their reproductive rights, the control over their own bodies? Why is it that in every nasty comment I receive from er Ed there is a misogynistic comment, always that insult based on the fact that I am a woman. Why are we told insultingly, condescendingly, that they know better and in rescinding our rights they are actually looking out for us? Really? Please go look out for someone else, thank you.
     Why is it that prejudice based on skin color and ethnic origin are still around, even growing in some cases? Why is anti Semitism rising once again, out in the open, a proper cause to some people's twisted minds. Why is it that Israel is not allowed to be known as the Jewish state? Why can Jews not have a state of their own especially when one realizes how many states other religions have? Why is it that Jews are allowed to be chased, hounded, banned, killed, despised and the world stays silent again - or even worse, joins in.
     Why is it that the fat cats are returning to the seats of open power in a more open manner? Why is it that a big government is okay when their industries get breaks but not so good when there are programs for the poor, the hungry, the weaker parts of society? Why is it that there are no funds for the humanistic aspects of society and government, but there are funds for the military, for the spies, for the fat cat on Wall Street and the manufacturers who outsource overseas or even worse, are firing Americans and bringing in foreign workers here to replace them. Outsourced in our own country!!!! That is just wrong, so wrong.
     And do not think that we are immune to the baser aspects of that here in our little CV. We wonder how a person such as Rubio who cannot keep himself out of debt, who does not know how to prioritize, or use smart financial advice is now running for President of the USA!!!! Seriously? He is going to come up with a working budget that makes sense - on top of his total lack of foreign policy experience? And almost each and every one running in that particular race has a great big flaw and yet run they will and run they do.
     What is the matter with us that we allow the same situation here in the Village? How is it that people who consistently run our finances into the ground are elected - and even not elected yet have control over the purse strings? How is it that we keep the same old tired people who are trashing our physical plant for lack of common sense, proper procedure and investigation before commitment? How is it that we allow ourselves to be ruled by incompetents?
     How is it that we do not wonder why G-d does not take this world, roll it up into another ball of clay and start all over again? Do you wonder? I do, especially on a day such as this when the headlines are just awful and repetitive of times in the world's past when voracious nations would gobble up others and screw anyone who opposed them. I wonder what G-d is thinking? I wonder what the hell we are thinking? I wonder, I really do.
     I should add that at least we can surround ourselves with family and friends, particularly on a day when the sourness of the world seems overwhelming. But still, the truth, as Muldar and Scully used to say, is out there - for all to see. All one needs to do is look with open eyes. And wonder.

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