Tuesday, June 9, 2015


     So today is my B-Day. Last nite as I watched my beautiful and bubbly granddaughter walk down her graduation aisle I began to muse about what makes life worthwhile at this point in time. It is not the new item of clothing that I really do not need but just wanted, or a raise in salary (thank G-d that is over), or coming out of a board meeting intact and still sane - and on top!
     No, it is not all that. It is the hugs and kisses from my awesome grandchildren, their innocent belief that all they have to do is ask and I will make it come true, watching my three children make their way thru life, their family and friends and being so proud of them.
     It is the laughter shared with friends, the sharing of their happy or, G-d forbid, sad times, their comments on books and our sharing of titles to read, or even just poking fun at our husbands!
     It is hearing from my students, still my babies too, seeing how they have grown up, raised families of their own and knowing that I had a role, however small, in their lives, hopefully for the positive. It is hearing from them as I have today, wishing "Happy Birthday to my favorite teacher of all time!"
     And most of all, it is sharing the time with Gerry, even just walking around with no purpose, just enjoying the moment and still holding hands after all this time. It is knowing that before I can get the words out of my mouth he is already addressing the issue, knowing what I was going to say.
     So how do we transfer this knowledge to the younger generation, helping them to understand what is truly important in life, what is of eternal value and what is only a temporary fix, nice, but fleeting? How do we share the feeling of glee, going to the movies at 2 in the afternoon, giggling like kids, when it still feels as if you are playing hooky, should be working at this hour. How? I really do not know the answer and can only hope that our examples set the pace for our kids and they learn from our mistakes.
     Okay, so here I must admit something. I still get a fair share of enjoyment from trying to make things right, from tilting at windmills. This, I learned from my parents, the writing gene from my Pop, and I so do enjoy going after those who are in the wrong, wearing a suit of armor, okay, perhaps a bit tarnished, but still white and shining, and still trying to do the right thing in life.
     On age tells me that all in all I am satisfied with my life, past and present, feel a sense of achievement, of happiness, of satisfaction and what is more, I know that I have more to give, more to say and will, G-d willing, do so with vigor, with wisdom, and with, (sorry, I must confess), a bit of glee as I take off after the black hats.  Ooooh,  a techie term of the times! Gee, my older grandsons would be so proud of me, their cool grandmother.
     Happiness is what makes the world go round, happiness that arises from doing the right thing, from family and friends. It is from being able to ignore the aches and pains, take in the glee when one realizes that the day has no doctors in it - vacation day, YAY!!!! It is knowing that you have made new friends, brought old friends even closer, and still have the time and enjoyment to read books, to enjoy shows, to find the good stuff on the zillion channels now on TV, to make use of the Internet in all its positive aspects even as you have empathy for the family and friends who have suffered hacking of accounts.
     On age means enjoying life as we know it NOW and not wishing for the days of old. It is knowing that what we have now is what we are meant to have  for this is the third act and we cannot undo acts one and two, only improve on act three and do so with gusto, vim and vigor and a savoring of life.
     So, on thinking about this and knowing that the turn of the calendar page has made me a year older, I am happy, satisfied, accepting of certain things and knowing what I should not accept and try to change. It is accepting a purpose in life, picking up that lance and going a tilting, and sorry, for having that bit of glee and a bit of giggle when you know it just hit the spot.
     I love being me - okay, will have to change a bit of me before my next year's 50th high school reunion - but that is minor. Life, thank you, G-d, is good, and I pray that it remains so. Age? Ain't so bad.

PS - I thank my many well wishes both here and on Facebook. It is good to know you are there.

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