Friday, June 26, 2015


     It is amazing how an adult can play the peek a boo game with other adults and get away with it for so long. However, the game time is over and the truth is peeking out from all ends. David Israel, we see you now, we see your hand in the machinations that have gone on, as hard as you have tried to hide them.
     One interesting such failed peek a boo segment is in the banning of the information dispersal by opposition factors. It has always appeared to be Eva who has made the decision, but after reading several letters exchanged in 2013 between attorneys, it appears to be that Eva is following YOUR directions; it is YOU that has issued the banning. We should not be surprised because it was you in the form of your alter ego, Ed Black, who came and told the Greggs to censor me, cut me out of a book review club 5 minute segment - oooohh, very dangerous - thus causing the resignation on principle of a fine couple and excellent managers of our Channel 63.
     So, Mr. Israel, fess up and tell us why you made that decision and why we should not vote as should have been doing in the first place and overturn your decision, your unilateral, biased decision at that - and cowardly too, along with a big dash of paranoia.
     We begin to wonder at how much of you was in the poor contracts that have been previously signed, from paving to desired Wi Fi companies, a company which was chosen based exactly on what, as both companies proved to be incompetent. At least we avoided the Wi Fi debacle though you are right there trying to sneak in the broadband - peek a boo, we see you!
     We see you in the decision to keep Joy Vestal on as editor of The Rag, despite her position as VP and her deep and well displayed bias for you. She is your puppet and that is becoming clearer and clearer to even the most dim sighted and dim witted person in the Village.
     Peek a boo, we see you, as you sit and type in that back room, plotting and planning, gnashing your teeth, especially now that your favorite threat to call in the cavalry has been shot down - the PBSO says that they will not be and never were your posse. OOOps!!!
    Do not think that we do not see your plans and reins of control in your supposed blog, where you ban all free speech based on what? Only that the people oppose you. You send out your shills to post praise for you in an inane format and even have your buddy allegedly post truly nasty stuff on my blog, thinking it will bother me. I just shake my head and say, "uh huh, daily insult has come through." Yesterday's for example, is truly worthy of being shared with all of CV.
     This is what Fr/Ed sent to me yesterday and people who support the current UCO, THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE SUPPORTING, WHAT YOUR VOTES UNDERWRITE:
     ...And as for a Zoo, you and your goon family belong in one."
     Such class. Such an endearing manner. Such a true appearance of his soul and heart.
     Peek a boo - we see you - in all your nastiness and sneakiness and plots and plans. Time to go and perhaps we can find you a sandbox to play in. Time for term limits. Time for this UCO to go.

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