Thursday, June 25, 2015


         Another day, another paper or two and another day of the same garbage going on. It seems that there is nothing good happening around here, there, or most anywhere in our world. To complement this apparent status of the world, I am almost finished with Zoo by James Patterson. Somehow I missed it when it first came out and now there is to be a show based on the book on TV. Its premise is  scary, intimating that because of man and his interference, over interference, with the world of nature, that suddenly animals are changing and the war between man and animal, actually any sentient being, is growing, exploding, and the outcome or outlook is not good.
     Too much tampering and tinkering is not good. One needs to set up a paradigm and follow it. We finally have one such paradigm in a standardized RFP, or so I am told, as it has never been published for all to see, but I trust Jack Adams who has fought for this for years despite all setbacks and resistance.
     We had a deal layout for Iran, not that I believe a word or promise they make or say, but at least it was there, and firm and now, who the hell knows. The Ayatollah who is not stupid, just mean and nasty and a hater of the first degree, now demands that basically he get all that is coming to him in the agreement without doing anything on his part. Truly! Now that would be a great deal for him, not so much for us!! Anyone hear a roar of NO NO NO from the USA or EU? Nope, me neither. So much for our strong and moral leaders.
     The University of California is rife with anti Semitism and the rampaging of Arab and Moslem hatred, so much so that  "At a recent UC Santa Barbara student senate meeting, a Jewish student stated, “For the first time in my life, I felt that my identity, an unchangeable part of who I am, was under attack. … I don’t wear that Star of David necklace anymore. I don’t tell most people that I’m Jewish, and I definitely don’t tell them that I’m pro-Israel. ... I’m scared for my safety.”  Echoes of the past anyone?
     Yet people are afraid to tell the truth, to see the nakedness of the Emperor, for fear it is not PC, so they shut up, keep quiet or actually join what they feel is a growing winning team, the haters and anti Semites and remember, once they finish with one group there is always another to pick on. Hate is never done.
     Then of course we have our "wonderful" President, Obama, who thinks that his legacy will now be fulfilled by the Pacific Trade Treaty. Truly, more of an idiot than I thought. This is as bad for our working class, our middle class - our citizens - as NAFTA turned out. More jobs will be lost overseas as our workers cannot combat the slave wages that the overseas workers will be paid, so here go the unemployment lines, the foreclosures, the loss of the American Dream, the hopes for the future. And does his party agree with him - a resounding no, so where is he getting this support from? The Republican Party, the same party that Rick Scott belongs to who has just shafted the state, the party that gave birth to that aberration - The Tea Party - the party that wants to take control of a woman's body and decide for her what is best for her, if indeed, she has any rights at all.
     And of course, we have the healthcare, the same program that everyone complains of, but seriously, look around you and see that people who needed the coverage and never had it - now have it. And that includes, I am sure, many of us who have people in our own family who now have needed coverage. So now, the Republicans want to take it away and even concede now that maybe it is not such a good idea and many of the electorate will be anti Republican if it happens, but they are stuck in a rut, on a train they are not sure they can stop.
     That same train has a twin brother or sister here in the Village. David Israel and CO., are on a train of their own making and they know not what they can do, if indeed anything. All crumbles when the truth begins to come out, when murky political decisions and alliances were made and the Village screwed. All crumbles when our problems go public and try as he might to twist the story and make himself the hero, think again, David. You are the opposite. You knew of the situation and kept quiet until too late for many. Now we have an uphill battle against Kelly, your buddy of old times(?) but we have brought it out, the same CV Messenger about which you rail and spit saliva, the same people whom you have reviled, along with your minions, the same Petey Boy who now says that the rising prices are because of you! Seriously, Petey Boy, the economy has nothing to do with it? Your lord and master has done this all? Good Lord, what are you smoking or drinking that is giving you these delusions!
     The heroes, if such a term can be used, are the muckrakers of the Village, those who dug into the layers of dirt and mud that David Israel used to bury his misdeeds and sloppiness, carelessness, willful ignoring of the problem. That is who the heroes are, Peter Cruz. Not you and not him and indeed, none of you. We know who were at the series of meetings those years and the truth will out about the deals made.
     Think I will stay away from the paper the rest of the day and spend it with friends, a necessary antidote to the bitterness of the world today. At least, though, we can try to fix one area and that is to work together to keep our Village whole, safe, steady and financially secure - and that begins with the removal of David Israel and crew.

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