Thursday, June 16, 2022


 Yes, folks, we are in the realm of fairy tales, only these are rewritten to fit the tastes and needs of a perverted group of very dangerous children, resembling the turned savage boys of Lord of the Flies, a modern fairy tale. That fairy tale documents the deterioration and turning of a group of stranded British schoolboys, whose introduction to the reader is the sound of Kyrie Eleison. Yes, the introduction of the theme of religion backing horror, the perversion of G-d to fit twisted thoughts and plans.

This is a common theme of the Extreme Right these days as they jump headfirst into the swamp of political religion, into the land of upside-down fairy tales, those with no "happily ever after" ending. Most definitely not. The question before us now is this: are we too enmeshed in this new revision of traditional fairy tales to ever recover?

Fairy tales set up moral values for society along the same path of Aesop's fables, but with more story line. The authors of these tales, famous or unknown, knew that religion and government do      not mix very well; hence there is very little to no mention or use of religion within them. It is usually based on values, courage, honesty, and truth, with appropriate rewards and punishments. True beauty is to be found not only via outer appearance, but also within, as in that of the Beast in Beauty and the Beast.

Unfortunately, today we have an entire political party, within the entire spectrum of its members, turning to these revised tales, to the ugliness within, to the temptation to take it up to the next level, and for what? For the sake of Power. To do what? To rule. Simple as that. And if it takes the likes of Boebert, well, then so be it.

  "unrighteous politicians, these corrupt, crooked politicians" and to install "righteous men and women of God" in their place.  "We should not be taking orders from the government, the government needs to be looking at the church and saying "how do we do this effectively?"

Are you running scared yet? If not, well take a look at what awaits us if we do not wake up, shake off our apathy, ignorance, and even the sneaky desire to go along with these dangerous people, well, we are lost. As is democracy.

Next up for the GOP - the rise of De Santis, a true Fascist if ever I saw one. 

  • that's because he's learned all of Trump's lessons.
  • The expert added that DeSantis 'doesn't have the baggage of Trump,' and could rally voters."

  All the creepy theories and policies of Trump, the same megalomania, the same use of the power of government to wring the life out of democracy, to use power to blackmail, to force all to go along with his ever so wrong in every which way policies, from LGBTQ+ to Special Olympics, to the right to wear masks, the right to choose, to control one's own health and body issues, to the last letter of every textbook, to the ruthless pruning of any book which encourages thought. With a better looking outside than Trump just imagine "Oh, The Places HE will Go". Not where we want to go. Most definitely not.

Along the line, the theme of seeing what we wish and unseeing the truth, we have all these "patriots" singing in ringing tones and high decibel level, of their "true patriotism". Oh, for sure. Only a patriot could plan and carry out a special tour of "The Winter Palace" i.e. the Capitol, suborn members of Congress to commit treasonous action in aiding this plan, and have a document entitled "1776 Returns", a complex, down to the last itty bitty nitty gritty detail to takeover the government, its buildings of law and order, of legislature and justice, and completely overthrow the legitimate government of this nation, the destruction of democracy, never to return. Oh, most definitely patriots! You think!!

For sure, they swear, with the power of those hairy chins, "we are patriots". The Democrats are making it all up. For sure! All those guilty of active enablement of Trump. All those guilty of doing nothing!! All it takes for evil to succeed is to maintain that idea of no action, just bug out. Ignore the truth. Ignore the danger to the nation. Abandon responsibilities owed to the people of that nation. Forget honor. Forget anything except your own skin, afraid, like a little child, to call out the bully.

Thus, the nation suffered, the world suffered, became more chaotic, more depressing, economies tanking due to inaction and delay, because of a lack of courage to call out that Russian megalomaniac, Putin. Because we have ALL of us, fallen down on the job, laid down our tools and called it quits. We have either picked up our marbles or abandoned them and have discovered, much to our dismay, the consequences of inaction, of not following the truth of the adage - "Do the crime, do the time".

The video laying out all the plans of the Proud Boys, and all its nefarious allies, should have turned your hair gray, and if already so, then even grayer. 

We are looking at corruption that has eaten away at the core of our values. Rotten and rotting more even as we speak. We are facing a crisis such as we never have faced before, not even the Civil War I qualifies. Yes, we might actually have to fight to retain our country and its government. No, it is not a perfect government. No system is perfect, for that is not human. But a true democracy honors the humanity and the rights of all. It does not attempt to restrict, to take away, to denigrate, to urge and practice evil and hatred, nor pander to the very worst of us and in us.

We have lost our way. Even the house built of brick is being blown over by the strong breathes of the wolf. In fact, there are very many wolves surrounding us, the pack growing by leaps and bounds as society rots, falls prey to the false, to the lies, to the very things that will damage us beyond repair. There remains a modicum of hope. But we must allow hope, accompanied by honor and honesty, with courage alongside, to fly out of its imprisoning box. And we must fly along with it. No other choice remains. Not any good ones.

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