Tuesday, June 28, 2022


  I have always wondered just exactly what is meant by the term or sentence of haunted, i.e. "Her face was haunted." Well, now I know. Now I have seen it with my own eyes. There was nothing else to use to describe the face of  Hutchinson, a young aide to Meadows, entangled and witnessing the entire visit to the dangerous cuckoo land of Jan. 6. Haunted by what she saw, haunted by the dissolution of illusions and innocence as her very heroes and role models collapsed of their own weight and corruption. As the burden of their own complicity became ever so clear and ever so much closer to reality.

The pain was real. The anguish was engraved on her face. The astonishment of her audience as they heard her words, as they were chilled by the very veracity and shock of those words, was challenged by none. In the words of a Fox news anchor, her testimony was "stunning and compelling". So where do we go from here?

If ever there were a doubt of Trump and the imminent danger he posed - and continues to pose - to this country, persisting, remaining on life support within the troglodytic minds of his most deluded fans, its life support now must have the plug pulled. The harm he has perpetrated upon this nation, the continuing trail and paths of slime emanating from them, well, it must stop. Reality must set in. Right now! No holds barred. No delay tolerated. Time to give up the tantrums of toddlerhood and take on the mantle of adulthood, the recognition that the world can exist without you, nor for you, but rather for the entirety of humankind.

How could we have allowed this? How could we have allowed our homegrown traitors, long term conspirators, a la Putin, their role model, to put into play their most treasonous plan, almost succeeding in overthrowing this country, condemning all within to a world of fascism, authoritarianism, and a miasma of deep, stifling dreariness  and despair.

I wonder why everyone is so shocked by the behavior of Trump, his physical violence, his emotional immaturity and ugliness, his selfish self-centered narcissistic self, its focus only and for himself. I have said that was him all along, lo this past decade. People thought him a buffoon, and he was, but a most dangerous one. People excused his rudeness and weakness of character, mistaking them for a 'man'. Worse was the conniving of GOP leadership as they went along with his plans, installing 6 - SIX and there is that number again - Roman Catholics to the Supreme Court, thus introducing a church ruled state, with religious belief a determining factor in creating law, outrageous, unrealistic, manifestly dangerous laws.

The Court has ruled that it is now okay to use federal funds for religious schools and education. The Court has ruled it is okay for open prayer sessions at games and events intimidating those who do not wish for it, and certainly a violation of separation of church and state. But why should that surprise us, when the Catholic belief in the sanctity of the unborn fetus holds sway ALL THE TIME over the needs, even the life of the fetus carrier. Why should my belief as a Jew, which values the mother over the unborn, be stomped upon. Indeed, why is anyone other than myself allowed to have the power and right to dictate my choices, anywhere, in the bedroom, in the polling places, in stores, wherever and whenever ignorance rears its ugly head.

Why are we not placing this man and his henchmen on trial. For treason. For inciting murder and mayhem. For deliberately allowing and encouraging,  armed people, out to kill, to maim, to enter the Capitol and wreak havoc over all? Why are we sitting still, even as we encourage the justice system for traitorous leaders in other countries. Since  when did we allow one to get away with attempted murder or manslaughter, or trying to choke a man blocking his most homicidal desires and plans. Why and why and why!! Following orders were they? Have we not been there done that, already, too many times and have we not learned anything from it all?!

Apparently not. So "angry, defiant, and vulgar" is what we get. What some seriously mentally challenged morons continue to honor and protect. And what is he? One who wishes to “Take the effing mags away,” all the better to build his armed mob up in numbers, consumed by the numbers of the crowd. A man who throws his food against the wall when disappointed. A man who is quite clearly NOT a man in any way, shape, manner or form. In fact, he who rides in "The Beast", his armored car, well,  he himself is The Beast within. A Beast who endangers us all unless and until we indict, try, convict and imprison him and all who aided him. It is a lesson which needs teaching, which must be taught and caught.

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