Thursday, June 23, 2022


  These past years, in fact, most probably the entire decade, ever since people began to tout Trump as presidential timber, I have grown ever more confused. This timber, presented to the nation was full of termites, body, brain, and soul. He exhibited strange behavior, words that made no sense at all, or directly contrasted with the truth. Absurd infantile behavior, tantrums, and worse, became the lingua franca of the time. Much to our detriment, especially as we began to initiate divorce from our allies, and the limbs of that rotting tree reached out to embrace enemies, manifest opponents to democracy. I lost my country. I could not recite the pledge with any degree of enthusiasm or even belief, not when that rotten, ever rotting, tree was in charge.

I stood, quiet, respecting our past history and principles when the national anthem was sung, yet could not sing; this was no longer a country I recognized. I wondered where it went, why it disappeared, and then ... then... then what? Would there be an afterwards or would we lose entirely the benefits and challenges of democracy. Would the country be riven in two, or perhaps even smaller fractions of what was once a great nation? And where the hell was the sense, the intelligence, the native understanding of peril, existential threat, as it grew, loomed ever larger, in both the rear-view mirror and through the windshield. We were trapped in a trap of our own making. And then - what? How do we exit, gracefully or not, from this morass? How do we regain our ethos, as a nation, in our role in the world?

So here it comes, the twisted, convoluted, maybe made up for a specific purpose, to explain away what the hell happened to us, as a people, as a nation. Simply put, we lost our marbles, turned off higher brain function, deluded ourselves into excusing awful behavior which we condemned in our own selves and our families, co-workers, whomever. Yet for this man, all was forgiven. Why? Why? Thus, the community of psychological geniuses came up with new terminology to explain it all. To explain it all away? To justify what we did? Now gird yourself for a 'learning' experience.

"Identity advancement" and "group prototypicality". G-d bless these coiners of new terms and explanations; how else could we disguise the severity of our moral collapse? Simply make up a term, or take an old one lingering arounds, and go for it! Following the national trend of self entitlement, lack of responsibility, and denial of truths. How lucky can an American get?

"Identity advancement" - ...refers to the belief that a politician “stands up for Americans, acts as a champion for Americans, promotes the interests of Americans, and has the best interests of Americans at heart.”    Got it? Next up at the plate - "group prototypicality". Say that ten times in a row and the excuse making streak is right there. Its definition? "...refers to the belief that a politician represents what is characteristics of Americans, is typical of Americans, and stands for what Americans have in common." Woe upon us if that man and his antics, ridiculous and dangerous at one and the same time, represents what is America! So help us G-d, for I believe we are way over our sell by date on that one.

That kind of says it all and what I say is Phshaw! Phooey! It served to excuse our criminal backsliding, reversion to primitive behavior, shucked our apparently thin veneer of unity, as Americans, and went for the throat of this country. I could care less for all the excuses and fancy language. What we did as a nation, as a people, as individuals, was to renege on our contract with society, with other Americans and with the world at large. Like it or not, that is what America stands for. To suddenly pull the pin and let a societal grenade go off and riot in favor of it, follow a most definitely guilty President!!! To engage in an attempted coup! Words fail - they fail me and they fail society at large. WE have ourselves.

The simple truth is that we lost our heads, minds and souls. We forgot who we are supposed to be, what America represents, lost our pride in that and  substituted aggrievements of all sizes and scope. We allowed hatred to run rampant, everyone crying out how poorly they were treated and never mind the just issues of the neighbor. Nope, forget "all for one" of the Three Musketeers. It is "all for me"- the one that exists in the American psyche during the Trump era. That psyche imagery, that "role model" - please excuse the term here -  was that of Trump, forever excused from any and all rampant misbehavior, egregious in action and intent.

Now, it is up to us, Will we have the righteous behavior to place that man and his cohorts on trial? Will we cleanse house of traitors at the highest level of government? Or will we fall down on the job, fail ourselves to the point of imminent danger, the sirens roaring but to what avail?

Yes, I am confused. I am sad. I am worried. I am fearful. Will we, Americans come together, see the truths of the situation, or will we be condemned to preside over a second Civil War and the dissolution of the noblest experiment of mankind.

How did we ever get here? how have we reached the lower levels we have now plumbed? Confused? Heck, YES!!

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