Monday, January 12, 2015


     Imagine if the United States Congress, both Houses, was a sea of silence, with all afraid to speak up, to show signs of dissent or even agreement. Imagine if our Congress was just an American version of the Duma, the Russian version of Congress, a place where no dissent is allowed, for too strong a dissent and suddenly one's life is changed to the horrific.
     Actually, today in our Congress we have a situation greatly changed from the past. Republicans and Democrats are so at odds with each other along strict party lines that they do not talk any longer. Compromises that made our government work in the past are now just about verboten as more extremist elements have taken over and the result - a paralyzed government, one in which two sides battle and the middle - us - suffers, with rollbacks of watchdog legislation over Wall Street and the Banks looking more and more possible. The Great Recession is so quickly forgotten.
     Now let's go back to our smaller world here in CV. Today we have two vociferous sides, with one side, the present administration, trying its hardest to shut down the opposition, something which has always been present in CV. No matter who was president there was always a group of people who disagreed with his/her politics and the world kept spinning. What is different now is that the current UCO President and allies want NO opposition and thus refuse to talk, to compromise, to share CV, thus reaping the consequences of their actions - a great and rising noise against them.
     Over and over I have asked for them to reach out, cooperate, share visions, but what we have gotten in return are vows to forever prevent us from working in UCO, from having access to our various forms of media and threats to shut us down using physical force. Instead, we get harassment, even rising to the extent of trying to monitor our very physical movements around the Village - and you wonder why we call their cries for more cameras the true advent of Big Brother!? And we get comments such as these sent to us by such "lovelies" and the one I quote is at least fit for public consumption and is very mild compared to what I typically get and I have shared some of those. It is just so dumb that it gets annoying.

     "I'm all for a policeman at the Delegate's Assembly meetings. That way we can hope to prevent outbursts from people who are only there to disrupt the meetings.  By the way you are partly to blame for your name calling of an elected UCO official whom you dislike because he beat you out as president. Keep it up, Esther."

     This one was sent by that not so amazing Grace, she who refuses all invitations to talk, she who perseverates, constantly repeating herself. Over and over again she repeats the stupidities of her road comment. Over and over again she tells me what she states in this email. So let me dissect this lovely missive, this love note.
     She wants a policeman. She wants force to be used, but truly, Gracie my dear, this is America and freedom of speech is a recognized right in our Constitution. Sorry, dearie, but your constant threats to use force are as stupid as the day is long.
     Next she states that I call "an elected UCO official" a name. Oh my!!Yes, I call him the Grand Poohbah. I could just as easily call him the naked Emperor without his "new" clothes or one of the many other names he has been gifted with over the years, none complimentary I might add. As far as an elected UCO official - oh my! Does that make him next to G-d? Does that make him divine? Are we to bow and curtsy before him in his elevated and holy status. Gimme a break, Gracie! How dumb can you get? Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds, how stupid YOU sound? Take a look at politics and see names that have flown around. And you should see some of the names I have been called! So what! Sticks and stones, my dear.
     Yes, I dislike him and have disliked him way before I ran. I find him devious, cold, uncaring, possessing a great streak of selfishness, a tremendous lack of sense of administration, no sound financial principles, and a recluse who does not come out of his hidey hole in UCO until close to election time when suddenly butter wouldn't melt in his mouth as he sweet talks the various groups he calls in.
     And yes, I lost the election. So? Life goes on. It would have been better if Broomhilda and Ed Black did not run and control the election, having time alone with the ballots, forbidding the teams upstairs to tally votes and keeping that for themselves and for breaking the rules by allowing voters in early, voters who replaced the legitimate delegates who were anti - David, but guess what? I am so happy doing what I am doing that who cares? Just working to get him and his cronies out of office and getting in a working and honest and capable UCO administration is just perfect. So **%#*+?@##* to all your asinine statements and please, for your sake, GET A LIFE! YOU AND YOUR LEADER!
     And as far as your last statement - I most certainly will keep it up. Thank you for your blessing and encouragement, dear Gracie, my not so amazing Grace. Say goodnight, Grace, say goodnight.

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